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1780 | 10-26-2021 03:57 AM |
04:04 AM
Hi Team, I have below requirement to convert the SQL server queries into hive. But i am not sure how to achive that as there is no pivot and unpivot available in hive. could you please help me with the hive equivalent queries for the below SQL queries? Query 1 ----------------- SELECT x,y,z FROM dbo.tbl1 UNPIVOT (split FOR check IN (1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10)) AS splnpivot Query 2 ---------------- SELECT * FROM (SELECT a,b,c FROM tbl2) SRC PIVOT ( SUM(TOTAL_AMOUNT) FOR cbn_TYPE IN ([ONE TQ FOUR], [going loss], [COSTS LEAVING team sales], [profit], [check money])) AS PIV; Query 3 -------------- NULLIF (ISNULL(abc.Tc, 0) + ISNULL(abc.YR, 0), 0); Thanks in advance, Wasim
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Tez
03:57 AM
Thank you all for your responses. This issue was because of credential problem and it's resolved now.
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12:21 PM
Hi Team, I have a requirement where I need to schedule an oozie work flow using shell action. Shell action is using a shell script which in turn will be calling a hql file which is available on HDFS location. I am not able to call that hql file from the shell script which I am using in shell action. I know using beeline - f parameters to use to call local files but can you please guide me to call a file which is on HDFS. Any help/suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Wasim
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hive
Apache Oozie
08:58 AM
Hi Team, I am stuck at one situation.could you please help/suggest with the below scenario? i want to merge attributes of two NiFi flowfiles into one flowfile. say for example, i have a flowfile with 5 attributes coming from processor A and another flowfile with 10 attributes coming from processor B.Now, i want to have a single flowfile with 15 attributes(from A and B processor). Is there any way, we can do this in NiFi or any way to append these attributes into one another. Thanks in advance, Wasim
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi