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02:43 PM
I'm starting to trial NiFi as a data ingestion engine. I would like to input the following datatypes: 1) collectd (UDP): I don't think that NiFi has a collectd parser, so I will need to direct these raw UDP streams to a locally running Telegraf and Logstash instance for parsing. 2) Syslog (UDP): I would like to experiment with routing raw syslog UDP packets (unprocessed) to destinations as well as filtering/parsing the syslog data using the NiFi syslog modules. 3) Netflow (UDP): I would like to take a heavy raw Netflow stream and test performance to forward only a subset of Netflow data based on a list of protocol types that I'm interested in (mapped against one of the Netflow data key values). What I haven't been able to understand in the documentation is how I can redirect raw UDP packet flows, (listening and then forwarding to two destinations), without having to process the particular data in the UDP packet.
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