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05:07 PM
Can you try solution mentioned in this question
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10:18 PM
1 Kudo
@Lok! Reddy We see the failure as following: resource_management.core.exceptions.ExecutionFailed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install ambari-infra-solr-client' returned 1. Error: Nothing to do This can happen if due to some reason the "/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo" is missing on the host where the installation is failing. So can you please check the repo file if it exist? # cat
# yum clean all
# yum info ambari-infra-solr-client . After validating the ambari.repo file (and it's baseurl access from the host) you can try validating it by running the install command manually on your own (or continue your previous operartion from Ambart UI) # yum install ambari-infra-solr-client .
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11:35 PM
thanks a Lot Jay....I got the mistake that i did while Installing HDP . I gave url with IPaddr instead of FQDN and my IP addr changed due to Windows update. I changed URL in repo file but nor in ambari. I found out now...thank you for your time!!
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10:32 AM
@Lok! Reddy Also if you see multiple OLD "ambari-hdp-<repoid>.repo" files inside the "/etc/yum.repos.d/" then move the unwanted files from there. Ideally there should be only one file pointing to correct HDP version with accessible baseurl like the file path Example Path # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-1.repo .
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07:28 AM
1 Kudo
@Lok! Reddy We see the error as following: resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Cannot match package for regexp name ranger_${stack_version}-admin. . So it looks like somehow ambari is not able to determine the "${stack_version}" for the ranger admin package. So can you please check if you have something like this in your following two scripts: # grep 'package_version = None' /usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/resource_management/libraries/script/
package_version = None
# grep 'package_version = None' /usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/resource_management/libraries/script/
package_version = None . On the host where ranger admin installation is failing, can you please try commenting the mentioned line starting with "package_version = None" and then retry from ambari UI to install ranger. # package_version = None .
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