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07:19 AM
Try specifying schema with precision ex: {"type":"record","name":"schema","fields":[{"name":"_COL_0","type":{"type":"fixed","name":"_COL_0","size":16,"logicalType":"decimal","precision":38,"scale":0}}}
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08:51 PM
Thanks for the reply and help Matt, I was actually looking for a way to go through the output of a query one by one, one record at a time and I think was not able to explain properly in my question. I thought there is no way to do it in Nifi as the output of ExecuteSQL is a continuous stream and I might have to device a way to loop through the output, but then I found out about SplitAvro and used it with 1 record at a time after the ExecuteSQL processor and it did what I wanted :). Thanks, Samir
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09:48 PM
Thanks for the response Bryan, In the step ListHDFS -> RPG(this part only runs on primary node), the question is how do restrict this flow only to the primary node? Because whatever I create in one node is replicated in all the nodes, so when I create an RPG of say node2, its actually has the same flows as the node1 and then it looks like a loop. Actually, flows I have created are kind of complex and can't share it here, but I hope you understand what I am talking about through the diagram attached. I think we have to configure in a way that the primary node flows are not replicated in the slave nodes. Really appreciate your help. nifi-node-flow-replication-confusion.jpg Thanks, Samir
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