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4692 | 01-11-2017 09:11 AM |
09:56 AM
Hi Puneet, As @glupu said, the Sandbox doesn't work on Ubuntu due to interference from AppArmor. Like him, I gave up trying to make it work and switched to Docker for Windows. I suggest you try CentOS if you want a Linux base. Cheers,
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06:32 AM
That's nice of Artem, but I told a fib. It turns out there was a problem with Docker for WIndows beta 34, and though I was asking for 11GB, I was only getting 6.5GB. Don't try running Zeppelin ... The Docker guys are looking into it. So, the real answer is to use the latest stable release of DfW (1.12.6). I'm able to give Sandbox around 9.5GB on my 16GB Win10Ent laptop and all is sweet. BTW, if anyone is interested in my StartSandbox and RestartSandbox cmd files, I'm happy to post them. On a different topic: I'm a new HW trainer. Lester, thanks for your great demo notes and videos for the Essentials course. I'm working through it as I get up to speed on this beast. Cheers,
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09:35 AM
@glupu Looks likely. It'll be interesting to see which versions of Ubuntu and Docker it does work on.
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09:29 AM
Hi @Lester Martin Thanks for your feedback. As you will see below, Sandbox 2.5 is running fine in Docker for Windows. So it does appear to be a Ubuntu 14.04 + latest Docker issue.
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09:22 AM
Hi again Thanks for the help. I don't have Ubuntu or Sandbox running at the moment; see below. But I do recall that mysqld was running when I checked the services. Alas, I can't download the virtualbox or vmware solutions. I am currently at a remote site, and don't have the bandwidth. And I need Hyper-V running for my day job.
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09:11 AM
BTW, I've found a workaround: I'm now running the Sandbox 2.5 docker image using Docker for Windows beta 34 with 11GB allocated on my Win10 Enterprise machine. Works flawlessly. All I needed to do was take the key part of the startup script and turn it into a CMD file. It would still be interesting to find why the Docker image running in an Ubuntu 14.04 VM with the same memory allocation on Win10 Hyper-V didn't work properly. It's clearly not the image. May save someone else some anguish. Thanks.
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09:00 AM
Hi @glupu Yes, I am, as per the startup script in github.
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11:32 PM
Hi guys I'm just starting with HDP, and want to play with the Sandbox. I'm using an Ubuntu 14.04 VM with 11GB of RAM and the latest version of Docker. The computer is an i7 laptop with 16GB of RAM. The container starts ok, and all of the HDP services appear to start OK, except for a warning from ambari-agent about a missing TERM variable. Available memory goes from 10GB to 2GB free, no swap. I can connect to :8888, but when I try to use the Ambari quick link, it fails with "Connection reset". I ssh'd into the docker container to see what's happening. When I check, I find that the ambari-server service is not running (and lots of other stuff too). When I try to start ambari-service manually, it fails when it tries to start PostgreSQL. When I try to start that manually, it fails with no error message. I'm stuck. Anyone have any idea why the system seems to start OK, but parts of it die shortly after? BTW, after various attempts to sort this out, I started with a fresh Docker container, plenty of RAM and swap, but the same symptoms: lots of dead services. Thanks! Cheers,
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