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11:04 PM
Hi @Punit kumar! AFAIK usually 143 error code it's related to memory/GC issues. Could you enable the DEBUG mode to Yarn logs? Also, share with us what kinda job are you running and your app,map,reduce memory properties (the opts as well). And the nodemanager resources too, plz! Thanks.
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09:32 AM
@Sandeep Nemuri i checked the log again,this time i got this error. and code 143 error 2018-07-09 04:20:14,067 WARN containermanager.ContainerManagerImpl ( - Event EventType: FINISH_APPLICATION sent to absent application application_1531115940804_0668
2018-07-09 04:20:15,985 WARN logaggregation.AppLogAggregatorImpl (<init>(182)) - rollingMonitorInterval is set as -1. The log rolling mornitoring interval is disabled. The logs will be aggregated after this application is finished.
2018-07-09 04:20:16,705 WARN localizer.ResourceLocalizationService ( - { hdfs://ip-172-31-17-251.ec2.internal:8020/tmp/hive/root/_tez_session_dir/41b28f9d-f7ae-4652-b9a7-ffed72220a41/.tez/application_1531115940804_0607/tez.session.local-resources.pb, 1531123411553, FILE, null } failed: File does not exist: hdfs://ip-172-31-17-251.ec2.internal:8020/tmp/hive/root/_tez_session_dir/41b28f9d-f7ae-4652-b9a7-ffed72220a41/.tez/application_1531115940804_0607/tez.session.local-resources.pb
2018-07-09 04:20:16,719 WARN nodemanager.NMAuditLogger ( - USER=rootOPERATION=Container Finished - FailedTARGET=ContainerImplRESULT=FAILUREDESCRIPTION=Container failed with state: LOCALIZATION_FAILEDAPPID=application_1531115940804_0607CONTAINERID=container_1531115940804_0607_02_000001
2018-07-09 04:20:16,719 WARN ipc.Client ( - interrupted waiting to send rpc request to server
2018-07-09 04:20:52,186 WARN logaggregation.AppLogAggregatorImpl (<init>(182)) - rollingMonitorInterval is set as -1. The log rolling mornitoring interval is disabled. The logs will be aggregated after this application is finished.
2018-07-09 04:25:34,693 WARN containermanager.AuxServices ( - The Auxilurary Service named 'mapreduce_shuffle' in the configuration is for class class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler which has a name of 'httpshuffle'. Because these are not the same tools trying to send ServiceData and read Service Meta Data may have issues unless the refer to the name in the config.
2018-07-09 04:25:34,761 WARN monitor.ContainersMonitorImpl ( - NodeManager configured with 61.4 G physical memory allocated to containers, which is more than 80% of the total physical memory available (62.9 G). Thrashing might happen.
2018-07-09 04:25:35,592 WARN containermanager.ContainerManagerImpl ( - Event EventType: KILL_CONTAINER sent to absent container container_1531115940804_0760_01_000001
2018-07-09 04:25:35,592 WARN containermanager.ContainerManagerImpl ( - Event EventType: FINISH_APPLICATION sent to absent application application_1531115940804_0760 i have 6 DD( 62GB RAM, 16vcore). mappred-sire.xml -Xmx6656m 10000 -Xmx12800m
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb 16000 yarn-site.xml yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb 62900
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 6656
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb 62900
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01:51 AM
3 Kudos There are many others in our forum.
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07:30 AM
thnx @Jay SenSharma now its working. But now when i am doing some query in hue it doesnt show any output
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04:12 PM
@Jay SenSharma Thnx, now its working.
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