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06:31 PM
1 Kudo
Great news !!!!
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07:48 PM
6 Kudos
This article is to announce the
availability of HDP 2.5.5. This release builds on top of the last
releases, HDP 2.5.3 for on prem, and HDP 2.5.4 on Azure HDInsight. The key point and changes in
this release are fixing big issues for our customers. This release has over 300 product changes that increase stability, fix errors, and improve
usability of the product. There are no
large features introduced. The release details can be
found in the HDP
2.5.5 release notes. Supported OS platforms are
CentOS 6/7, SLES 11/12, Debian 6/7, and Ubuntu 12/14 This is also going to Azure
HDInsight, and should be available there in several days. Thanks everybody! This was a big release, and thanks for all the employees who helped. And of course, the Apache committers who got the fixes into the community. Andrew Eng Prog Mgr
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08:01 AM
Using the console this worked: user@sandbox:~$ hive --hiveconf hive.msck.path.validation=ignore
hive> use mydatabase;
hive> msck repair table mytable;
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06:22 PM
Being a maintenance release, no new features are included. There may be small improvements here and there. We do try to not add features to maintenance releases, and only do features in major (N.x) and minor (x.N) releases.
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02:35 PM
Ambari is released and available for immediate use. The team fixed 60 issues, many of which customers have experienced. No features are included, so an upgrade should be seamless for those using Ambari or are considering upgrading to Ambari 2.2.2.x Refer to the Product Documentation and Release Notes for further information about this release. This product rolls up all issues in private releases less than 18.
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12:47 AM
2 Kudos
HDP is released and available for immediate use. This release builds upon the last HDP and HDP releases, and adds over 200+ bugs from Spark 1.6.2 is also included in this release. Please refer to the documentation site and the release notes for any late breaking information and details on how to start your installs/upgrades. This will be made available on Azure's HDInsight offering in due time.
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