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5619 | 08-30-2016 03:38 PM | |
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7071 | 02-26-2016 03:34 PM |
01:22 PM
@Viswa Can you post your query and full explain plan? Looks like not all the output is there so hard for anyone to explain what it is doing. In the meantime, here is a pretty helpful presentation about reading Hive explain plans: Assuming you're using the new Hive explain plan (hive.explain.user=true), some general quick tips: Data flows from the bottom of the explain plan to the top Operators can have multiple children (ex: to do a MAPJOIN you might need to do a MAP and a FILTER)
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10:18 PM
Create some properties in your pom.xml: <properties>
Include spark-hive in your project's dependencies: <dependency>
Then in your code: // create a new hive context from the spark context
val hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sparkContext)
// create the data frame and write it to orc
// output will be a directory of orc files
val df = hiveContext.createDataFrame(rdd)
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01:56 PM
1 Kudo
I've found two places so far where the operation logs are being used: Ambari Hive View -> Logs tab normally displays output like the number of mappers/reducers. After disabling operation logging the log tab displays nothing. Beeline connections -> After executing a query normally some output is displayed. After disabling operation logging there is no output except the results of the query. Would be nice to get these back without compromising hiveserver2!
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02:27 PM
In hive, there is the option to enable or disable operation logging: What are these logs for? Some background on why I'm asking: We recently ran into an issue where hiveserver2 was crashing due to huge number of open operation log files (same issue as The files all appear to be empty AND they are just being kept open indefinitely. We are going to disable the logs by setting hive.server2.logging.operation.enabled to false but want to know the impact of doing so.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
10:32 PM
@Pengqing Bao I haven't run into that error yet. Maybe something is up with the schema? If you import the table to HDFS are you able to load it into your Hive table and query it without issues?
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03:38 PM
1 Kudo
@SBandaru Like @Frank Lu mentioned, there are some things that are not supported when using TDCH with Sqoop. For example, creating the schema automatically with "sqoop import" doesn't work. Instead, use "sqoop create-hive-table" to create the schema first and then do "sqoop import". For more info see:
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06:14 AM
6 Kudos
There are a couple of different options for importing data from Teradata into Hadoop:
Sqoop and the Teradata JDBC driver (documentation)
Hortonworks Connector for Teradata (documentation)
Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH) (download README here or get the PDF doc)
This article will explore examples of each of the three above along with some of the pros/cons. The aim of this document is help understand when to use each option while keeping the following in mind:
Goal is to create a schema which is as close to Teradata as possible Hive tables will usually end up as ORC but may need intermediate tables stored as TEXTFILE. The examples below use textfile. I have not tested all possible column types. If you have more information, please let me know. Versions tested with: HDP 2.3.2, Sqoop 1.4.6, TDCH 1.4.1 or 1.4.4
All of the examples will use the following common environment variables which you would define at the top of a bash script. The variables are plugged in to the various commands below:
#TDPASS=****** <-- use an env var instead?
Sqoop and the Teradata JDBC driver
Import schema and data from Teradata to Hive using plain sqoop and JDBC.
Required components:
Sqoop (comes with HDP out of the box)
Teradata JDBC driver (download from Teradata)
Example command:
sqoop import \
-libjars ${LIB_JARS},${TDCHJARS} \
--driver com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver \
--connect $JDBCURL \
--table $TDTABLE \
--hive-table ${HIVEDB}.${HIVETABLE} \
--where "${TDWHERE}" \
--username $TDUSER \
--password $TDPASS \
--map-column-java EFF_TSP=String \
--num-mappers 1 \
--map-column-hive EFF_TSP=STRING \
This only requires the Teradata JDBC driver to be installed, so it is easy to get started with.
Schema can be created for you automatically (although with issues... see cons)
Plain JDBC doesn't have some of the smarts that are built in to TDCH.
Some fields are not supported and will have to be mapped. For example, TIMESTAMP and DATE fields in Teradata will get mapped to Hive STRING.
Hortonworks Connector for Teradata
Import data from Teradata to Hive using sqoop and the Hortonworks Connector for Teradata. The Hortonworks Connector for Teradata wraps TDCH.
Required components:
Sqoop (comes with HDP out of the box)
Hortonworks Connector for Teradata (download addon)
Comes with version 1.4.1 of TDCH and the Teradata JDBC drivers installed into SQOOP_HOME/lib If you want the schema created, it is a separate command: sqoop create-hive-table \
-libjars ${LIB_JARS} \
--connect $JDBCURL \
--connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager \
--username $TDUSER \
--password $TDPASS \
--table $TDTABLE \
--map-column-hive EFF_TSP=STRING \
--hive-table ${HIVEDB}.${HIVETABLE}
Example command (requires the schema to have been created in hive already):
sqoop import \
-libjars ${LIB_JARS} \
-Dtdch.input.teradata.conditions="${TDWHERE}" \
--connect $JDBCURL \
--connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.teradata.TeradataConnManager \
--username $TDUSER \
--password $TDPASS \
--table $TDTABLE \
--hive-import \
--hive-table ${HIVEDB}.${HIVETABLE} \
--num-mappers 1
Use sqoop but get some of the smarts that come with TDCH Can create the hive schema using sqoop create-hive-table
Can't create the hive schema in one step but it is possible in two using create-hive-table and then import Dates and timestamps are converted to STRING automatically or throw an error which requires using the map-column-hive
Some Sqoop commands are not supported in this mode like --where and --hive-overwrite. If supported in TDCH then you need to specify the java property which gets messy sometimes.
Version of TDCH included is out of date (newest available is TDCH 1.4.4 and version 1.4.1 is included right now)
Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH)
Import data from Teradata to Hive using TDCH.
Required components:
Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH)
Example command (requires the schema to have been created in hive already):
hadoop jar $TDCHJAR com.teradata.connector.common.tool.ConnectorImportTool \
-libjars $LIB_JARS \
-url ${JDBCURL} \
-username $TDUSER \
-password $TDPASS \
-jobtype hive \
-fileformat textfile \
-nummappers 1 \
-sourcetable ${TDTABLE} \
-sourceconditions "${TDWHERE}" \
-targetdatabase ${HIVEDB} \
-targettable ${HIVETABLE}
TDCH supports a bunch of different methods for getting in/out of teradata
Can't use TDCH to create the Hive schema automatically
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06:42 PM
1 Kudo
Alternatively, you can use beeline instead of the Hive CLI. Here is an example using beeline running a file with a parameter: beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://master01:2181,master02:2181,master03:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2" -f file.hql --hivevar HDFSDIR=/tmp/folder Contents of file.hql: USE myhivedb;
-- a comment
-- other queries
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06:33 PM
@SBandaru We have been struggling with this as well. I documented some of what we've found so far here: Importing data from Teradata into Hive. Even if you get the schema created automatically with Sqoop the column types are pretty bad (all dates/timestamps get converted to string as an example).
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04:53 PM
+1, small correction that the HDFS directories will be under "/user" not "/usr": hdfs dfs -ls /user
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