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1651 | 05-04-2016 06:00 AM | |
3361 | 04-11-2016 09:57 AM | |
1127 | 04-08-2016 11:30 AM |
04:32 AM
I have a development cluster with 4 nodes. One of the nodes, Machine1 (CentOS), was shut down unexpectedly, due to which the Amabri Dashboard, started showing "Heatbeat lost" for all the services for this Node. I had posted a thread to understand this issue, but none of the suggestions mentioned in that thread helped me fix the issue. Therefore, I deleted the host and tried to add the host back into the cluster. I had run the python cleanup code on Machine1 after I deleted this Node from the cluster through Ambari Dashboard. Now, when I add the host I am getting a weird error, which I don't understand. 7,349 - Ambari agent machine hostname (Machine1\xc2\xa0) does not match expected ambari server hostname (Machine1). Aborting registration. Please check hostname, hostname -f and /etc/hosts file to confirm your hostname is setup correctly
ERROR 2016-05-04 09:52:47,350 - Fatal exception occurred: I have checked the host file under /etc folder in Machine1 and found that the FQN for Machine1 is correct. I do not understand what does "xc2\xa0" mean here and from where is the setup picking up these two texts? Also note that the Ambari Server is hosted on Machine2, so the error "does not match expected ambari server hostname (Machine1)" also sounds confusing. I am stuck and I need some help here.
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
11:02 AM
@drussellI want to understand whether it is necessary to decommission RegionServer, as Artem Ervits mentioned in his answer.
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11:27 AM
2 Kudos
I would like to know whether I can remove region server from a host and if so how do I remove it, because I do not see any option to remove it from Ambari Console.
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
03:47 AM
1 Kudo
I would like to understand whether HDF (Hortonworks Data Flow) is supported by Windows Azure. I was interested in sentiment analysis approach mentioned in the link I was wondering if Azure is ready for deploying the mentioned sentiment analysis sample.
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
09:57 AM
2 Kudos
I have fixed it myself. For those who might face the same issue. This is what I did. Basically HDP.repo should be told to skip proxy server, but if you edit HDP.repo, Ambari wizard will overwrite it. So what is the workaround?. This is how you make HDP.repo skip the proxy. Just add the following lines to the yum.conf file for all the nodes. It worked for me. Hope this helps! 🙂 [HDP-2.4] name=HDP-2.4 proxy = _none_ baseurl=http://item-70288/hdp/HDP/centos6/2.x/updates/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0
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07:49 AM
I am create a new cluster based on HDP 2.4. I have installed Ambari, which went smooth. I have setup a Local repository, which has HDP and HDP utilties related files. I have used the same local repository for Ambari installation. I am using the wizard to install a cluster. When click the "Next ->" button at the "Install, Start and test" Wizard dialog box, I get the following error: resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install 'hbase_2_4_*'' returned 1. Error Downloading Packages:
hadoop_2_4_0_0_169- failure: hadoop/hadoop_2_4_0_0_169- from HDP-2.4: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. I confirm that the repository is up and running. Out of curiosity to find out the real cause of this error, I executed the command /usr/bin/yum -d 10 -e 1 -y install 'hbase_2_4_* at the command prompt and found that the detailed error giving this error. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden" I used to get this error with ambari installation, so I put a line proxy = _none_ in the ambari.repo. However I cannot do this for HDP.repo because if I add this line, ambari is overwriting the HDP.repo file. My yum.conf file has the following entry. If I comment the below line then yum complains about net unreacheable. proxy=
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
11:30 AM
I figured it out myself. I copied the id_rsa file to another folder and executed chmod 777 id_rsa command. The id_rsa file has some permissions blocked so after giving the proper permission, I was able to copy file through Filezilla.
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10:48 AM
I have four CentOS machines, which I have to use to build a four node cluster. I have successfully installed Ambari server on one node. I have logged into ambari dashboard through google chrome from a windows 7 machine. The cluster installation wizard is asking me for 'SSH Private Key'. I have the key in the node which is running ambari server. I tried to use filezilla to get the id_rsa file from centos to windows 7 machine, but I get 'critical file transfer error'. If I copy paste the contents of the key, I get permission error, which might be due to some extra characters etc. present in the text while I copied. So the question is, how do I get the id_rsa private key to windows 7 machine or how do I choose the private key properly on a web browser? I can confirm you that I am able to SSH from all the machines to other machines.
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
08:15 AM
I have fixed the issue related to Metrics Monitor not starting. Even though I have no idea why the above error came, I fixed by changing/setting the following property under Ambari Metrics Monitor configuration through Ambari.
set to 2181. I had observed that this was set to 61181, which I am not sure how it happend. This is a very important property. The Zookeeper server also runs at the same port, so I guess the should also be set to the same port. If these ports are different, then there will be a number of errors thrown by Ambari-metrics collector service is started. Therefore make sure this property is set to the same port as the zookeeper server. Change
the "Metrics Service operation mode" to distributed.
hbase.cluster.distributed to true
Set hbase.rootdir
to a hdfs folder. I created a new folder in the hdfs root and made hdfs
the owner of the folder. After I did this, I restarted only the Ambari Metric collector and this time it was happy to start with a green flag 😉
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10:14 AM
errorlog.txtThis thread is related to my post related to Metrics collector not starting ( I thought of creating a new thread to highlight the main issue that I see in the log files. In general, Metric Collector is not starting. The logs have many information related to the error. The error that is mainly shown exception=org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase/master In the same log file, I also see the following line zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:61181. If 'localhost' is the issue here, then I am not sure why localhost is used here instead of FQDN and I do not know which configuration file will help me to use FQN instead of localhost. I have read many threads related to this error but none of them helped me fix this issue. Can anyone please help me understand this issue. I am pasting the value some of the properties: hbase.rootdir = hdfs://item-70288:8020/apps/hbase/data hbase.cluster.distributed= true Metrics service operation mode = embedded 2181 hbase.zookeeper.quorum =item-70288 Update #1 ========= The command netstat -anp |grep 61181 is not returning anything. It seems nothing is listening on 61181. I am attaching the full error log with this post.
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- Labels:
Apache HBase