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01:51 PM
Greetings! I have a problem when I want to connect to a secure websocket with Nifi to get the information from it. This is how I take it and my problem: I have created a "ConnectWebSocket" processor in Nifi. I created my Truststore and Keystore for SSL. I have created a "JettyWebSocketClient" to configure my WSS link. And I created "StandardRestrictedSSLContextService" to set the paths of my keystore and truststore. When I start the "ConnectWebSocket" processor Attached is the log file related to the problem, it seems to be a Handshake SSL problem, but I don't know.
Here are my commands to create my keystore and truststore: #: keytool -genkey -alias NifiTest -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -dname "CN=NiFi NifiTest, OU=SCC,O=SCC,L=Annapolis,S =Maryland,C=US" -keypass test1234 -keystore NifiTest.jks -storepass test1234 -validity 360
#: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore NifiTest.jks -destkeystore NifiTest.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass test1234 -deststorepass test1234 -srcalias NifiTest -destalias NifiTest -srckeypass test1234 -destkeypass test1234 -noprompt
#: keytool -export -keystore NifiTest.jks -storepass test1234 -alias NifiTest -file NifiTest.cer
#: keytool -import -trustcacerts -file NifiTest.cer -alias NifiTest -keystore truststore.jks -storepass test1234 -noprompt I don't know if I'm creating my keystore and truststore correctly but it works well for the HTTPS. Thank you for your answers.
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Apache NiFi