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06:51 AM
@Ramesh Prasad Some more suggestions 1) For JS code use :WebStorm ( you will get EAP version from official website with 30 days trial) 2) Remember to use Coding guidelines as mentioned here 3) when you are running the project always skip rat checks or it might fail in most of cases and takes lot of time: mvn clean install package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Drat.skip -DskipTests 4) if you are changing only client side changes( Javascript in ambari-web folder ) , you can only run the project on ambari-web folder using the abouve command and the output will be generated on ambari/ambari/ambari-web/public/javascripts folder you can copy that for debbuging in your server folder /usr/lib/ambari-server/web/javascripts
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05:27 PM
Ah, i was making mistake with the keytabs and other settings. thank you
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10:51 AM
1 Kudo
Time taking for Query execution depends on multiple factors 1. Mainly the Hive query design, joins and the columns being pulled 2. YARN/TEZ container size allocated, depends where you are running 3. Check the queue you are running your job, check if queue is free to answer your question on why one of the reducer is taking 1000 tasks please the hive.exec.reducers.max value defined If you want to play and modify the number of reducers, try changing the value of hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer(preferably assign a smaller, as this value is inversely proportional to number of reducers)
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01:25 PM
Hi @Ramesh Prasad, You may want to start looking at Apache Calcite. Calcite is the primary CBO behind Hive execution.
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03:13 PM
Amazing answer!
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07:10 PM
Thank you
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