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05:44 PM
@Josh Elser Could you please let me know what do you mean by "rewrite the data with the new column family"? You mean to create a new table and copy the current hbase data to new hbase table and drop the old table?
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11:15 PM
I would like to rename the existing hbase column family. I have tried using the alter delete and create where the data in the old column family got deleted. Is there any way where we can rename the coulmn family.
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
01:14 AM
I want to schedule a sqoop job shell script using oozie. And this shell script is supposed to run on the single node only. I want to force the oozie to run on only on specific node. Is that possible Does oozie supports this ?
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- Labels:
Apache Oozie
Apache Sqoop
09:45 PM
I would like to fetch files from remote server from ../abc/xyz/kpi path and put it to HDFS and the files in the remote path is getting updated everyday. Being a new person to NiFi I would like to understand which are best processors that can help me here.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
08:20 PM
@Chiran Ravani Is the query what you have here is correct ? I am getting some exceptions when I use it in Hive. In addition to that also I am trying to run select * from dnapm.pm_data where ts >(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 24*60*60) and it returns empty rows. Here is the error that I am getting if I run your query. Might be you have got a typo in your query. I am just guessing/ Correct me if I am wrong. <small>org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:33 cannot recognize input near 'select' 'FROM_UNIXTIME' '(' in expression specification
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04:51 PM
I am looking for the query which brings me the pat 24 hours of data when ever I run a query. And I want store it in the local machine as CSV. Do any one of you have any idea about it. If so please can you please me.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
04:55 PM
I am planning to put a processor that executes a query on hive and stores the results to HDFS in CSV with Timestamp as name of the file. And from there I want to run the same job for every 24 hours. In parallel to that I want to put a processor that deletes previous days records in HDFS everyday. -- For this I need some processor which names the timestamps to the output file and a processor that deletes the file from HDFS. @Matt Burgess @Shu
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:18 PM
Hi, I am trying to look at different processor but somehow couldn't find the best match to my Use Case. My Use Case is I want to fetch the table from the Oracle SQL and put this data into Hive. And I want to run a customized SQL query against the OracleDB and fetched the data but it is fetching the complete data but I want just the LAST MODIFIED data only. For This I am using GenerateTableFetch-- > ExecuteSQL --> PutHiveStreaming. But Execute SQL is pulling the complete data from OracleDB but not just the LAST MODIFIED. Is there any way where I am doing wrong ? My idea is to ExecuteSQL --> SplitAvro --> PutHiveStreaming not sure if this works or not.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
07:03 PM
@Shu Do you have any idea about Joins in HBase without moving the data to Hive. From the above said scenario 1 I want to join different tables in HBase only but not going to Hive. Seriously method 1 is an awesome approach so far.
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12:03 AM
My Use Case is I need to load the data onto hive tables initially from Source RDBMS. And there after I will be getting updated records with Last Modified Date as a key from the source to Hive. Now I want to parse just the updated records and update it in the hive table. I don't need any history data at destination. And I want NiFi to do this stuff but not sqoop. Can you please recommend the best practice to do this ? @Matt Burgess .
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache NiFi