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10:42 PM
@Nimrod Avni The config.json generated as output when you stood up your NIFi CA (server) is there to simplify the execution of the client mode so that you do not have to manually pass all the server info to the client mode input. This was just a choice made by the development team to generate this file rather then just expect user to remember what they entered when the stood up the Server. You can delete this file if you want to as long as you have stored or can remember the pertinent information yourself for running the tls-toolkit client mode later. as far as client mode goes, the generated config.json is also just there to provide you the pertinent information about the client keystore that was created this is all information you should already know (unless you did not provide a password and toolkit auto-generated one for you which they you would need to get form the output config.json file.) - Thanks, Matt
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