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03:06 PM
1 Kudo
@john y There are a core set of attributes that will exist on all FlowFiles: 1. entryDate 2. lineageStartDate 3. fileSize 4. uuid 5. filename 6. path - The first four cannot be changed by users. filename and path can have their values edited by users via something like UpdateAttribute processor. - You can insert a logAttribute processor anywhere in your flow to output the key/value attribute map for FlowFiles that pass through it to the nifi-app.log. Just keep in mind that leaving this processor in your flow will result in potentially a lot of log output. - Thanks, Matt
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05:14 PM
@john y - The rest-api endpoint you are using is incorrect for instantiating an existing template on the canvas. You should instead be using a curl command that looks something like this: # curl 'http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/process-groups/<PROCESS GROUP UUID>/template-instance' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"templateId":"<THE_TEMPLATE_UUID>","originX":100,"originY":100,"disconnectedNodeAcknowledged":false}' —compressed - The rest-api endpoint contains the UUID of the process group in which you will be instantiating your template. You need to include a header like above that defines the content type and then provide "--data-binary" json that includes the template's UUID and the x coordinates on the graph where the template should be placed. - Thank you, Matt - If you found this answer addressed your question, please take a moment to login in and click the "ACCEPT" link.
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