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18538 | 03-17-2016 08:39 AM |
08:54 AM
Hi Josh,
Should it also work when we use the function saveAsNewAPIHadoopDataset over a rdd of "JavaPairRDD<ImmutableBytesWritable, Put>"? I tried with an without the doas and I was not able to make it work. I don't get any errors just nothing happen.
Any idea?
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01:18 PM
1 Kudo
Hello, I create a phoenix view on an existing Hbase table wher all hte col family name are lowercas. the to be able to query it I have to put all the time " before and after every column name. It's a little bit annoysing, do you have a workaroung? 🙂 Thanks,
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Phoenix
07:31 PM
Ok super thanks, I didn't try because it was not refer in the documentation that the function like work. 🙂
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07:14 PM
Hello, I have a phoenix view on an existing hbase table. I don't find in the documentation how to select every lines of a table where the column "name" match with a specific regex or function on string like contain, start with, etc.
For example in "traditional sql": select name,phone from table1 where like "%ab%;
or every ligne with a rowkey that start with "blabla". Thanks in advance to point me how to do it easily (I hope that's not needed to use UDF...) Michel
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- Labels:
Apache Phoenix
10:05 AM
Thanks for the info.
Then what will be your best advice to improve performance of hive over hbase?
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09:59 AM
Hi, I have Hive running over HBase table. Is it interesting in this case to analyze the table for the CBO? Or is it only interesting whe nyou have hive with orc file? Thanks in advance, Michel
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Hive
07:40 PM
Hello, I have "stupid" question of a beginner in SparkSQL. 🙂 Just to correctly understand how it works: If I have a HBase table with 28Tera of data (90Billions of lines) and only a few tera of memory in the cluster, what's going to happen? The dataframe will be bigger that the available memory, so is it going to swap? It will crash? I would like to clearly understand the mecanisme that spark used to manage that. Also do you have any recommendation in term of infrastructure to handle this kind of database? Thanks in advance for all the info 🙂 Michel
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Spark
02:30 PM
2 Kudos
Hi, I would like additional information about encryption in HBase. HBase is working over HDFS and HDFS support encryption so when the data is store, they are encrypted, right? I would like also the encrypt the content into a cell. So encryption into the cell + encryption of the HFile (hdfs) is those features available? Can you point me nice documentation, examples on how to encrypt data into the cell? I would like also to change the key encryption every hours, any idea how to manage that in a "easy" way? 🙂 Thanks in advance, Michel
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08:39 AM
1 Kudo
The problem is solve by making the following change in the spark config: Thanks for the help guys!
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10:31 AM
@Artem Ervits which property?
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