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11:40 PM
Thanks for the answer. I was missing the add property button because I was always viewing the HandleHttpResponse processor configuration while the processor was active, and in that mode the add property button (+) wasn't shown. Once I stopped the processor and selected the configuration option, I saw the add property (+) button which was what I was missing and couldn't figure out how to access. Its working now. Thanks.
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02:55 PM
I have a flow that starts with an HandleHttpRequest and passes through a custom processor then ends with a HandleHttpResponse to manage a web request. I need to set some custom HTTP headers in the response based on flowfile attributes available to the HandleHttpResponse processor. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get them set although google searches keep givng me the impression that its possible with dynamic properties, but I can't find any examples. The flow is working and I'm able to see attributes I set, and the flow file contents are received back on the browser. However I would prefer to set some headers in the response instead of capturing the data in the browser and setting the headers there. Can anyone help me out with some pointers on what to try
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Apache NiFi