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12:09 PM
Hi Matt, I'm trying to do the same flow, but I need to get the newest file from an FTP server. I tried to set the time to 600000ms but the flow did not work. ${file.lastModifiedTime
} How can I get the newest file? Thanks in advance, Thais , Hi Matt! I'm trying to do the same flow, but I need to get the newest file from an FTP. Ho can I do that? I tried to use 600000 (1 minute) but it did not work. ${file.lastModifiedTime
} Can you help?
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08:00 PM
You need to keep the NIFi copy of the data even after writing a copy of it out via the putSFTP? If you need to retain a local copy of the data, route success twice form your putSFTP processor. So you should be able to do this with..... The UpdateAttribute processor can be used to update the filename by adding the following new property to its configuration: The Local copy of your Files remain unchanged down the success relationship to the left. The copy sent down the path to the right will have its content cleared, filename changed, and then sent via another PutSFTP. Thanks, Matt
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