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3429 | 04-23-2016 10:19 AM |
10:19 AM
I actually tested it with ambari 2.2.0. I did not add the properties: recovery.lifetime_max_count, recovery.window_in_minutes...
I just used the predefined properties in Then I tested it with KAFKA_BROKER and NODEMANAGER, ZOOKEEPER_SERVER then I killed the kafka, zk, nm processes manually, and it worked! On monday, I will test it with ambari 2.2.1..
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05:59 PM
You are the best! how did you get the idea of: kafka-python package being installed ? 🙂 Indeed, one of my colleagues installed it :)).Now everyhing is fine. Now, it is clear for me why ambari-agent does not send check_status about kafka.
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04:16 PM
I am running into a weird issue. I Have 3 brokers installed on 3 different nodes. I assigned to each one a different broker ID. When I start the Kafka service, the 3 brokers start running, however one of my brokers turns into the red state. ambari-server.logs shows that the Kafka broker turned into INSTALLED state briefly after starting the broker on that host. When I run ps -ef on that host: ps -ef | grep kafka:
kafka 8670 1 2 18:03 ? 00:00:10 /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -server -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xloggc:/data/var/log/kafka/kafkaServer-gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Dkafka.logs.dir=/data/var/log/kafka -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/usr/hdp/ -cp :/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink.jar:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/lib/*:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink.jar:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/lib/*:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink.jar:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/lib/*:/usr/hdp/* kafka.Kafka /usr/hdp/
This means that Kafka is actually running, but Ambari says not! PS: The kafka pid is well specified through the Kafka PID dir property in the Kafka config section in Ambari. Any idea ?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Kafka
07:37 PM
@jluniya , ah I have just opened the pdf. It suggests to tweak some properties at the agents. such as: (recovery.type, recovery.lifetime_max_count, recovery.max_count, ...). Is this the answer ? impatient to give it a try tomorrow !
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05:16 PM
@Artem ErvitsI think this command makes ambari-agent to restart after a reboot but not the components running on the host right ? or am I wrong ?
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05:02 PM
2 Kudos
If a node running ambari-agent reboots or one component (one kafka broker for instance) fails due to some out of memory issue. Is it possible to automatically restart the service without a human intervention ? Supervisord or systemctl may handle this kind of issue. However, with Ambari I am not sure this is supported. I was reading the following jira which looks to be related to this subject: AMBARI-10029 I did the with ambari-2.2.0 test and once the VM was up again, components did not recover automatically. I need to restart them manually from Ambari... I think it is important to have this feature especially in a production environement!
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hadoop
10:36 PM
1 Kudo
Thank you ! That was fast 🙂
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10:23 PM
3 Kudos
All my HDP components succeded to start after kerborising my cluster, except Kakfa... This is what I can see in /var/log/kafka/server.log: [2016-01-06 23:04:54,931] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must pass in secure mode. at Ambari logs do not show any error message related to the Kafka fail while restarting the service. I am running HDP 2.3 and Ambari 2.1 Any clue ?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Kafka
09:46 PM
@Darpan Patel Darpan, I have one question related to what you did. I am newbie to Kerberos. I am actually running a similar configuration, where I have AD that holds all principals. Regarding what you have said: >>After Kerberization I created a user "ambari-user/ you did this in the AD right ? >>And also created a key tab, copied on the ambari -server machine How did you do that? You created the keytab at the ambari-server host ? or created it in AD and somehow you copied the keytab to /etc/security/keytabs of your ambari server host ?
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08:47 PM
@Artem Ervits , @smohanty Indeed, I forgot to run this command: ambari-server upgradestack HDP-2.3 This updated the entire ambari database! Thank you guys so much !
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