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3787 | 03-17-2016 06:46 PM |
11:44 AM
1 Kudo
As far I understand. Oozie has been careful so far to keep the backward compatibility. Meaning, existing workflows with existing URI work just fine even in newer release without changing anything. One can keep using the older URI just fine even in new release. However, if from the new version, you know some new feature (tag/attribute) has been added and you want to use that, then only you need to refer to that new URI.
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08:48 AM
Hi @Alex Raj. Thanks. I feel I have answered that as well, but let me explain better.
The URI info can be found from the Oozie Docs. See here: And to determine what version to use, you have to know what Oozie version you are using and if that version supports it or not. Again the docs link would help. Docs are for specific Oozie version. Example for Oozie 4, it's here
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08:05 AM
For the actual question on how to then fix the permissions so that users from different group don't get to see/read it, below might be helpful. hdfs dfs -chmod -R 770 <path/to/restrict>
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06:46 PM
2 Kudos
XML has XSD (XML Schema Definition) that defines the schema/structure of the XML document. It describes what elements are allowed, nesting and count and such. While wiring XML that conforms with certain or specific XSD, namespace is specified to point to it. For Oozie there are version specific XSDs based on new features/elements/attributes/actions they support. Here's the workflow 0.5 XSD that is referred by that xmlns. When you refer to the said XSD, if means your workflow XMLs will adhere to and use the elements/attributes described by that XSD.
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