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935 | 01-14-2016 12:31 PM |
09:33 PM
2 Kudos
I had the same issue and I am able to resolve it by Download and add the repository, then update. wget
sudo rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
yum update
I assume you have taken care the below. yum install -y mysql-connector-java
ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=mysql --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar
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09:36 AM
@kkawamura, Thanks for your response. In my case, the FlowFiles are not xml files. It will be txt or gz files. So I will be using LookupAttributes (which will be using XMLFileLookupService) to read the XML config file (shown above) for to-path to put FlowFiles (*.txt or *.gz) into destination path (to-path: ex: /d_salary/1.0/csv or /d_pension/2.2/csv). So I need to know the way to loop my XML config file. I have missed add one more attribute in XML config file. I will be having something like below for each dataFlow. <filePattern>salary_*.gz</filePattern>
<filePattern>pension_*.gz</filePattern> I will correct my above XML file. So if I have salary_*.gz, the file should be moved to /d_salary/1.0/csv. If I have pension_*.gz then it should be moved to /d_pension/2.2/csv. Any help is much appreciated.
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09:20 AM
We have the below xml configuration as input to get the to-path value to put files. <configuration verbose="false" debugMode="false">
</configuration> I have followed the nifi-lookupattribute-and-updateattributes to handle a single <dataFlow>. Thanks to @jfrazee. Does anyone know how to loop attributes? I will be having 100s of <dataFlow> attributes in a single xml config file. I have added just 2 in the above example.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
08:53 AM
my xml configuration file is as below. <configuration verbose="false" debugMode="false">
</configuration> from LookupAttributes (with XMLFileLookupService), I am able to extract attributes like dept, version and path like below. dept: salary version: 1.0 path: d_${dept}/${version}/csv I have tried to use updateAttribute and create new attribute called to-path: ${path} but to-path is also giving value as d_${dept}/${version}/csv Can anyone help me to get to-path as d_salary/1.0/csv?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:53 PM
@jfrazee, How do I get value of country & datasource in LookupAttribute? I have created new attribute as for path. Not sure how I can get value of country. Is that[@name="country"].value? I couldn't get this correctly. Also do you know how to see the output of attributes? Is that logAttribute which can help me to debug the values of attribute?
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01:26 PM
I need to getfiles and put into output location. The output location will be defined in external xml file. As per the response from other thread, I have listFile, FetchFile, LookupAttribute (with XMLFileLookupService) and PutFile. The below is the xml file and when I try these sequences, the files were moved to /var/tmp/${country}/${datasource}/csv instead of /var/tmp/it/emp/csv Any suggestions??? <configuration>
<property name="country" value="it" />
<property name="datasource" value="emp" />
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:06 PM
@Pierre Villard Sorry for the delay in reply. I was focusing on to solve the other bits and took time to come to you. I think I jump too much. Let me take one at a time. For now, I will focus on a single file. I have the below xml file. <configuration verbose="false" debugMode="false">
<dataFlow configurationId="7c888be1-04ac-11e7-8ab3-3c970ee9aa0b" name="dept" enabled="true">
<property name="country" value="it" />
<property name="datasource" value="dept" />
When I try to access path from LookupAttribute, putFile is reading the path as /var/tmp/${country}/${datasource}/csv instead of /var/tmp/it/dept/csv. Do you know the easy way to solve this before I ask further support? Many thanks.
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04:54 PM
@Pierre Villard, I can combine all 3 config files into a single xml file as below. <configuration verbose="false" debugMode="false">
<dataFlow configurationId="7c888be1-04ac-11e7-8ab3-3c970ee9aa0b" name="dept" enabled="true">
<property name="country" value="it" />
<property name="datasource" value="dept" />
<dataFlow configurationId="8a888be1-04ac-11e7-8ab3-3c970ee9aa0b" name="emp" enabled="true">
<property name="country" value="it" />
<property name="datasource" value="emp" />
<dataFlow configurationId="9b888be1-04ac-11e7-8ab3-3c970ee9aa0b" name="sal" enabled="true">
<property name="country" value="it" />
<property name="datasource" value="sal" />
Could you advise how I can lookup for all 3 feeds attributes (path) and ingest them to local / hdfs path (with putFile)?
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04:23 PM
@Pierre Villard, Many thanks. I am able to use the given xmllookup.xml to complete my use case. I understand that I should give the config file path at Controller Service to extract the path and putFile. To extend my current use case, for example, I will be having 3 input files (emp.txt, dept.txt, sal.txt) at 3 different locations (like /tmp/emp/emp.txt, /tmp/sal/sal.txt, etc ...) and I will have 3 config files (emp-config.xml, sal-config.xml, etc) and the putFile paths will be defined in config files. What would be the recommended approach to achieve this? In my real use case, I will be having 100s of input feeds (with different file name patterns) and 100s of xml files which defines where the input files should be stored (on HDFS). Many thanks in advance.
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02:59 PM
@Pierre Villard, Many thanks for the quick response. I have tied the below without any luck. Not sure what is wrong in the config but I am getting NullPointerException at PutFile process. Any thoughts? 1. GetFile 2. FetchFile (for config file) 3. EvaluateXPath 4. putFile
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