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2916 | 07-12-2018 05:17 PM | |
6705 | 03-06-2018 09:19 AM |
06:31 AM
@Alexander Lebedev , Are you still facing login issues with the Sandbox? This looks like a redirection issue with your localhost and would most probably be linked to your /etc/hosts configuration. Let me know if you are still stuck with this , would be happy to help.
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01:26 PM
1 Kudo
@Weiss Ruth Can you provide some more details on your deployment. 1. Which deployment of the sandbox are you using? Virtual-box/VmWare/Docker ? 2. Are you trying to login to the Sandbox container or the VM that is hosting the container ? If you are trying to login to the sandbox host VM, then try running the following command ( assuming you have mapped the IP address of the sandbox to the hostname ) ssh -p 2200 If you are trying to login to the HDP container , then run the following command ( you would be prompted to change the password at first login ) ssh -p 2201 use hadoop as the password in both the cases ssh -p 2200's password: [root@sandbox-host ~]# ssh -p 2201's password:
[root@sandbox-hdp ~]#
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05:17 PM
Hi @Arulkumar A Tried deploying HDP 2.6.5 docker image on a google cloud instance and was able to bring up Ambari on the External IP and port 8080.
Here are the steps that were followed: 1. Created a firewall rule to port 8080 for all incoming IP's
2. This was done from Project -> Networking -> VPC network -> Firewall Rules -> create firewall rule
create a tag under 'Target tags'
Under 'source filters' select IP ranges and provide as the source IP ranges
specify tcp:8080 for protocols and ports 3. Customize the VM instance created on google cloud as follows Add the previously created tag to 'Network tags' in the instance Check box enabled for "Allow http traffic" Downloaded zip file from hortonworks sandbox docker download link Extracted the zip file and executed 'sh' 4. Could access Ambari on the link http://<External IP>:8080 Couple of observations from your deployment 1. From the docker ps output, it looks like only one container is running.
If the deployment is successful, there needs to be a sandbox hdp and a proxy container running. 2. It is recommended to go with a CentOS 7 instance for the deployment as docker suggests the same in its documentation.
Could you please check if your firewall rule is allowing incoming traffic for all IP range? It looks like the issue might be with the firewall rule not allowing incoming requests to access port 8080. Additionally, you could also check if there is process listening on port 8080 using the following command
netstat -tuln | grep 8080
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05:12 AM
Hi @De ba The issue is here: >>[: hdp: unexpected operator<< The posix shell that you are using does not recognize '==' for string equality and hence the 'hostname' variable is not set. This is resulting in a null string being passed to the 'network-alias' option in docker run command and hence the issue. How are you executing the script '' ? You can try the following options as a work around and that should set the 'hostname' variable to a proper value and then docker run would execute successfully. 1. Can you try replacing '==' with '=' in the following if condition code. # start the docker container and proxy
if [ "$flavor" = "hdf" ]; then hostname=""
elif [ "$flavor" = "hdp" ]; then hostname=""
fi 2. Try running the script as 'bash' 3. Though not recommended, manually set the variable 'hostname' as follows in the script instead of the if condition. hostname="" Let me know how it goes. Thanks
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05:11 PM
Hi @De ba, The containers should have automatically started when the script '' was executed. Did you see any errors on the console when the script 'sh' was being executed ? If you have the screen shot of the script execution , please paste here, that would be really helpful in debugging. By hosts files, I meant adding an entry in the /etc/hosts file to access the link Anyways if the container is not running, there is no use adding that entry.
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04:55 PM
@De ba , Could you please provide some more information ? DId you run the script "sh docker-deploy-{HDPversion}.sh" as outlined here From the snip you have pasted about, it looks like you tried running docker ps -a ( which will list all containers running and exited ) Can you try running just 'docker ps' and see if you get the same 2 containers listed ( HDP and proxy ) . In that case you are all set and the HDP sandbox is up and running. There is no need to manually start the container using 'docker start sandbox-hdp' You need to add '' into your hosts file and start accessing the links.
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11:00 AM
1 Kudo
@Timur Kobilov It looks the host where the container is deployed has an active MySQL installation and the MySQL daemon is running. I tried installing and starting MySQL on my Ubuntu host and could see MySQL in the container failing to start. Could you please try stopping MySQL daemon in your host machine and then deploy the sandbox ? I have similar configuration as yours. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Release:16.04 Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
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04:19 PM
@Timur Kobilov It looks like the script you have is not the proper one. Could you please download from the link here. Click on "DOWNLOAD FOR DOCKER LINUX/MAC" . It is not a zipped file but just a shell script named "" and having an md5sum of "b14f4538147851c51b26d9da37ab931c" The details can be found here in the release notes. Please try deploying using the same and let us know if you have issues.
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06:41 AM
The timestamp on the mysql folder is Feb 1 which is confusing. Could you please redeploy HDP 2.6.4 with the script downloaded from here ? The md5sum of the downloaded script should be b14f4538147851c51b26d9da37ab931c. Please verify the same after download.
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06:35 AM
@Timur Kobilov Since the logs are empty, you could run the command as follows to generate a more verbose output. sh -x /etc/init.d/mysqld start
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