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08:26 PM
@Srini K Managing TLS/SSL issued certificates is not a job for NiFi. The NIFi CA is not backed by any type of long time management capability. Is becomes complicated to deploy and manage across multiple NiFi deployments. You are experiencing some of that management difficulty here now. - 1. Every Ambari based NiFi installation sets up its own CA. So it becomes difficult to setup communication between systems where each has a different Unique CA signing their certificates. You are trying to get two NiFi's to talk to one another, but this difficulty would extend to any other external service that NiFi needs to communicate to or receive connections from over TLS/SSL. 2. There is no build in management process to handle certificate renews or notifications of expiration. Your NiFi system may be working fine one day in production and then stop working all together the next because your certs expired. - In a production managed environment, a corporately or external managed CA should be used to issue, sign, and manage all your certificate needs. - Yes, NiFi requires TLS/SSL certificates in order to secure NiFi, but SSL/TLS is not a product of NiFi. - As far as merging the content of your two truststore in to a new truststore... A truststore cannot contain multiple keys with the same alias. Each entry must have a unique alias. The trustedCertEntries in each of your existing truststores have the same alias, so you are going to need to change the alias of one of them. Following commands will extract the trustedCertEntry from each source truststore.jks and put tehem in a new-truststore.jks with new unique alias fro each of those entries: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore truststore.jks -destkeystore new-truststore.jks -srcalias nifi-cert -destalias nifi-cert1 -srcstorepass ****-deststorepass **** keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore truststore.jks -destkeystore new-truststore.jks -srcalias nifi-cert -destalias nifi-cert2 -srcstorepass ****-deststorepass ****
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08:40 PM
I have updated "Advanced nifi-bootstrap-env" config on Ambari as below and restarted NIFI service. But still I don't see any metrics coming up on http://nifi1:7071/metrics Am I missing anything ?
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