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04:56 AM
Thank you @Vikas Srivastava for your inputs but i would like to know how my input data size will affect my configuration.considering we will have other jobs also running in cluster and i want to use enough configuration for my 2GB input only.
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03:24 AM
I want to know how shall i decide upon the --executor-cores,--executor-memory,--num-executors considering i have cluster configuration as : 40 Nodes,20 cores each,100GB each. I have a data in file of 2GB size and performing filter and aggregation function. How much value should be given to parameters for --spark-submit command and how will it work. (I don't want to use dynamic memory allocation for this particular case)
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
05:13 PM
Thank you @tbroas
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06:39 AM
Thank you @Romil Choksi..
As i could't see any mention about RAM in FAQ and while installing sanbox we came across RAM constraint so i was just confused is minimum ram required for EXAM also?
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06:34 AM
Kindly answer if anyone given exam
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05:59 PM
Please tell me what is the minimum specification required in laptop for HDPCD exam? I am aware that screen resolution should be 1600*900. But can someone tell me about minimum RAM and any other specific hardware requirements?
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07:26 AM
For HDPCD Exam, All the Deamons will already be running in exam? In practice test i had to start the services by executing command specified in reference PDF and in one case i had to restart ambari also. I just want to know, do i have to start services in real exam also as it took quite a while to up and running all the services? If yes, Will this time will be consider to start all services? or how time is noted in real exam?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
07:03 AM
Thank you for your answer @Bala Vignesh N V It means the final output should have header before we store the output to HDFS. Please correct me if I am wrong.
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07:03 AM
@rich Rich and Team
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05:45 PM
Is it necessary to remove header record while analysis of CSV format file? When i checked solution for practice exam of HDPCD I observed, header record for CSV is not been removed and data is analysed. Shall we remove the header record or not ,because it may affect the final output and record count? How this kind of solutions will be rated in real exam?
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