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1083 | 11-05-2021 06:09 AM |
04:11 PM
1 Kudo
Trying to bring this back up to see if anyone has a suggestion? Thank you.
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01:03 PM
I have a nifi flow to read from 1 table and write to another. But when it inserts it thows the error: PutCassandraRecord[id=bf945542-ef3f-1b23-0000-0000463e16ae] Unable to write the records into Cassandra table due to com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: You must use conditional updates for serializable writes
- Caused by: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: You must use conditional updates for serializable writes: {} putCassandraRecord processor: I have tried both serial and local_serial, and none, but all give same error. I am able to run this if i use putCassandraQL but that means i also have to have a EvaluateJsonPath and a ReplaceText to create the insert statement. I am trying to make it more efficient by using the record aware processor. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:36 PM
I found that the schema was defined incorrectly causing an issue. It should be From this "name": "maxApprovedAmount",
"type": "bytes",
"logicalType": "decimal",
"precision": 4,
"scale": 4 to this: "name": "maxApprovedAmount",
"type": {type: "bytes",
"logicalType": "decimal",
"precision": 4,
"scale": 4}
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09:01 AM
I am still unable to see how to achieve this. If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to it. Thanks!
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12:24 PM
Hi, There is a kafka producer converting decimals to bytes using this: import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.apache.avro.Conversion;
import org.apache.avro.Conversions;
import org.apache.avro.LogicalType;
import org.apache.avro.LogicalTypes;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
public class BigDecimalMapper {
public ByteBuffer bigDecimalToByteBuffer(BigDecimal bigDecimal) {
if (bigDecimal == null) return null;
Conversion<BigDecimal> conversion = new Conversions.DecimalConversion();
LogicalType type = LogicalTypes.decimal(15, 4);
BigDecimal scaledBigDecimal = bigDecimal.setScale(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
// Schema parameter is not used by Conversions so pass as null
return conversion.toBytes(scaledBigDecimal, null, type);
We are using the confluent schema registry and this is the schema: { "type": "record", "namespace": "event", "name": "Event", "fields": [ { "name": "maxApprovedAmount", "type": "bytes", "logicalType": "decimal", "precision": 4, "scale": 4 }] } In Nifi I am using ConsumeKafkaRecord_2_6. using AvroReader and AvroRecordSetWriter. In the reader I am using the schema from confluent. On the writer I am using Inherent Record Schema. When viewing the data in view flow file and selecting formatted, i see the value as: "maxApprovedAmount" : { "bytes" : "\u0001}x@" }, Trouble is how to get the actual value and not this. I have tried multiple changes to my avro writer, and I have read other posts on similar issues but not able to get this resolved. I believe it has to with the lack of support for Logical types. I am even up to write a script in jython to do the conversion if it will work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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- Labels:
NiFi Registry
Schema Registry
05:25 AM
Hi, Thank you for your response. That is helpful. But it turns out I am not allowed to mark the pwd context Parameter as non-sensitive for the reasons you outlined. It sounds like to use the context parameter to call a soap service secured by WS Security I must create a custom processor. I want to ask if you know of any other possible solutions to call the service without compromising the security. Thank you!
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08:42 PM
Hi, I need to call a soap service that is secured with WS-Security username token authentication and not basic auth. I also need to rely on the Parameter Context value for the id and password. I am using replace text to crate the soap request with the http header. When I try to reference the password it says I cannot due to the fact its sensitive and Sensitive Parameters may only be referenced by Sensitive Properties. I understand basic auth and WS-Security are different types of security. I do not see how to build/populate the security header using my value from the parameter context. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:09 AM
1 Kudo
After adding the jar to the consumeKafkaRecord NAR and bouncing the servers, I am no longer receiving the error. Now I am able to authenticate to Kafka using the GSSAPI SASL mechanism.
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07:43 AM
I am requesting now the nar for the ConsumeKafkaRecord be updated to include my new jar. Not sure if that is the only way for the processor to pick it up.
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07:28 PM
I am using the ConsumeKafkaRecord_2_6 processor to consume from kafka. I am trying to use a custom LoginModule. I have both a custom LoginModule and a custom CallbackHandler. I put my two classes in a jar then loaded the jar on the Nifi system. When the processor starts, I get this error: Caused by: unable to find LoginModule class: I am not sure how to add the jar so that the processor will find my classes. The dynamic property I am adding to reference the custom class is sasl.jaas.config. So the value of that looks like this: required;
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
Apache NiFi