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1392 | 06-19-2019 11:34 AM |
06:48 AM
In continuation to the above using Distributed Map Cache to hold a Jolt Spec read from a file, I can confirm that it works. Flow A: GetFile (periodically scheduled by CRON) --> PutDistributedMapCache --> LogAttribute: Jolt spec file contents ( jspec.json ) on disk: [{"operation":"shift","spec":{"variables":{"0":"variables[0].username","1":"variables[0].active","2":"variables[0].temperature","3":"variables[0].age"},"*":"&"}}] Note: Jolt spec in compact form!! GetFile processor: File Filter <-- jspec.json PutDistributedMapCache processor: Cache Entry Identifier <-- joltspec Flow B: GenerateFlowFile --> FetchDistributedMapCache --> JoltTransformJSON GenerateFlowFile processor: Custom Text <--- { "id" : 123456, "ip" : "*", "t" : -12.9, "T" : -23.8, "variables": [ "user1", 0, 12.97, 23 ] } FetchDistributedMapCache processor: Cache Entry Identifier <-- joltspec Put Cache Value in Attribute <-- jspec JoltTransformJSON processor: Jolt Transformation DSL <-- Chain Jolt Specification <-- ${jspec}
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10:40 PM
@Matt Burgess I have noticed that there hasn't been progress on this open issue (NIFI-4957). Nevertheless I tried placing the Jolt spec in a processor group variable (e.g. jspec) and then using this variable in the JoltTransformJSON processor ( Jolt Specification = ${jspec} ) and it transformed the JSON FlowFile successfully. Hence an intermediate solution (until NIFI-4957 is resolved) could be to update the processor group variable at the cost of resetting NiFi. I will also investigate the process: 1.- Get Jolt Spec from file ( periodically with a CRON ) 2.- Put FlowFile ( Jolt Spec ) in Distributed Map Cache with e.g. Cache Entry Identifier = jspec 3.- Fetch Distributed Map Cache (as and when required to transform the JSON FlowFile) and put cache value in attribute jspec 4.- Assign jspec to Jolt Specification of JoltTransformJSON processor
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11:34 AM
I solved this by using a GenerateFlowFile processor to create an attribute url and to trigger the InvokeHTTP processor at the schedule rate of interest. On a failure condition (e.g. InvokeHTTP connection timeout) I use an UpdateAttribute processor to assign to the attribute url the Remote URL using a Regex: ${'/'):substringBefore(':')}
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01:40 AM
I am working on a NIFI flow that begins with an InvokeHTTP processor. On the occasion that there is a connection timeout (Failure condition), I wish to assign the InvokeHTTP processor Remote URL value to a new property and have this property passed as data (attribute) through the "Failure" path to another processor. Is it possible to do within the same InvokeHTTP processor? Can anyone help?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:27 PM
That's great Matt. Looks like it will become a reality. Thank you!
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07:05 PM
Yes, excellent! Thank you @Matt Burgess!!! On this topic, I tried reading the jolt spec from a file using the GetFile processor and then extracting the text (jolt spec) using ExtractText and assigning it to a new property such that I can pass the spec to the JoltTransformJSON processor but it doesn't work. How can this be done? That is, how can the jolt spec be read from a file instead of configuring the Jolt processor? Thanking you in advance!
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05:18 PM
Hello, Receiving from an embedded micro over Ethernet a JSON file of the form: { "id" : 123456, "ip" : "*", "t" : -12.9, "T" : -23.8, "variables": [ "user1", 0, 12.97, 23 ] } and knowing what each variable represents in the "variables" array as: "username" : "user1", "active" : 0, "temperature" : 12.97, "age" : 23 How can I update the JSON file with the key name of the variables such that the end result is: { "id" : 123456, "ip" : "*", "t" : -12.9, "T" : -23.8, "variables": [ "username" : "user1", "active" : 0, "temperature" : 12.97, "age" : 23 ] } and then be able to access these variables with their name? Thank you.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
Schema Registry