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Title | Views | Posted |
3404 | 01-21-2022 04:31 PM | |
5838 | 02-25-2020 10:02 AM | |
3499 | 02-19-2020 01:29 PM | |
2547 | 09-17-2019 06:33 AM | |
5569 | 08-26-2019 01:35 PM |
03:43 PM
Ezerihun, Thanks for your reply. I repeated my test, which showed that you are correct. I was not sure what happened to my test case previously. When I dropped an external table, the warehouse path for that table "warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/testdb1.db/table1" remains. Actually, I can even re-create that external table again without any error, and files loaded to "warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/testdb1.db/table1" can be read through the re-created table. In other words, although Impala created this path "warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/testdb1.db/table1", Impala does not manage it at all. Thank you.
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04:50 PM
I ran into an interesting situation using the Impala external table. In short, I used "create external table" statement but ended up with a table like a managed one. Here are details. Step 1: creating an external table created external table testdb1.table1 ( fld1 STRING, fld2 STRING ) PARTITIONED BY ( loaddate INT ) STORED AS PARQUET tblproperties('parquet.compress'='SNAPPY','transactional'='false'); Step 2: adding partitions and loading data files. alter table testdb1.table1 add if not exists partition (loaddate=20231018); load data inpath '/mytestdata/dir1' into table testdb1.table1 partition (loaddate=20231018); Step 2 shows that this table1 behaves exactly like a managed table. Files at /mytestdata/dir1 are moved to hdfs warehouse path warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/testdb1.db/table1/loaddate=20231018 path. If I drop this partition 20231018, the directory at warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/testdb1.db/table1/loaddate=20231018 is removed. So what exactly is the difference between a managed vs external partitioned table, except for the different storage location /warehouse/tablespace/managed vs /warehouse/tablespace/external? From what I read, the key difference is that a managed table's storage is managed by hive/impala, but an external table is not. In my case, even this table1 is created as an external table, its storage is still managed by impala/hive. As I understand, if I add a partition (to an external table) and then add files using "load data inpath", then the storage is managed by hive. If I add a partition with the location specified, like alter table testdb.table1 add if not exists partition (loaddate=20231018 ) location '/mytestdata/dir1' Then the storage is NOT managed by hive. Is this correct?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala
11:39 PM
I created SequenceFiles using PySpark code below. path='/data/seq_test2' rdd = sc.parallelize([(1, "a1"), (2, "a2"), (3, "a3")]) rdd.saveAsSequenceFile(path) Then I created an impala table. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE seq_test2 (key_column STRING, value_column STRING ) STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE LOCATION '/data/seq_test2' Then the query "select * from seq_test2" shows a1, a2, a3 in key_column and null in value_column. But I expect to see 1,2,3 in key column and a1, a2, a3 in value_column. How do I fix it? Thank you.
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
05:07 PM
1 Kudo
André, Thanks for the elegant solution. Regards,
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05:46 PM
I did a workaround by injecting the myfilepath element into the json string. x: str(x[1])[0]+'"myfilepath":"'+x[0]+'",'+str(x[1])[1:]) It does not look like a very clean solution. Is there a better one? Thanks. Regards
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04:05 PM
I saved thousands of small json files in SequenceFile format to resolve the "small file issue". I use the following pyspark code to parse the json data from saved sequence files. reader= sc.sequenceFile("/mysequencefile_dir", "", "") x: x[1]) The code worked. However, I do not know how to put the key value from the sequence file, which is actually the original json file name, into the mydf dataframe. Please advise. Thank you. Regards,
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10:42 AM
1 Kudo
@mszurap Thanks for the response. I actually took the 2nd option you mentioned - ingesting it into a table which has only a single (string) column. But I am not sure whether it is the right approach. I appreciate the confirmation. Regards,
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03:46 PM
Here is the code. create external table testtable1
(code string, codesystem string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'
"input.regex" = "(.{27)(.{50})"
LOCATION '/data/raw/testtable1'; The error message is: ParseException: Syntax error in line 3:undefined: ROW FORMAT SERDE ' ^ Encountered: IDENTIFIER Expected: DELIMITED CAUSED BY: Exception: Syntax error It looks like Impala table only accepts "Row Format Delimited". Then how can I create an hive table with fixed width layout? Should I just do it outside Impala, bu through Hive, and then do other data operation on this table via Impala? Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Impala
07:23 PM
1 Kudo
@jeremymolina That is an excellent explanation. It makes total sense. Thank you very much. Regards,
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04:00 PM
I saw this kind of notation/style using double curly braces everywhere in HDP(Ambari) or CDP (CMS) UI. Below is a configuration value under zeppelin.shiro.knox.main.block for Zeppelin configuration. (This is a random sample I picked and this question is not about Zeppelin.) ++ krbRealm.signatureSecretFile={{CONF_DIR}}/http_secret ++ I understand that I can simply overwrite {{CONF_DIR}} with the actual path. However, I wonder whether {{CONF_DIR}} an ansible variable? If yes, how do I define the variable CONF_DIR in CDP Cloudera Manager? Regards,
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager