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09:03 PM
3 Kudos
I am developing a Java program that uses the Apache Sqoop Metastore API to complete full and incremental loads. I would like to store job details such as the check column in the job. Is there an example leveraging this API to illustrate?
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- Labels:
Apache Sqoop
07:54 PM
1 Kudo
@mburgess I am using nifi-0.4.0. This version does not have the ExecuteScript processor. How can I install this processor and configure the processor to run a Java program? -KS
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04:38 PM
2 Kudos
I am trying to develop a custom processor to manipulate flowfile contents via Java. However, I am not sure how constructors are used for the flowfile contents. As a simplified example, how can I create a custom processor that replaces the letter A with the letter Z in a flowfile content?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
12:56 AM
2 Kudos
I want to configure the ConvertCSVtoAvro processor to read an Avro schema from a local text file. When I set the "Record schema" parameter to the file's path, C:\Avro\schema1.avsc, I receive an error that reads "Failed to parse schema: C:\Avro\schema1.avsc". How can I get the Record schema parameter to point to the contents of my schema file?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
05:30 PM
@Jeremy Dyer, thanks again! This is a good starting point. It seems that the mapping requires a 1-to-1 relationship and might not permit more dynamic programming. I'll continue to research this processor as well as options for ExecuteProcess.
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02:35 AM
I have attempted, unsuccessfully, using the ReplaceText processor. The method works if I have a small/set number of lines in my file. Do you have any guidance on the ReplaceTextWithMapping processor and how the mapping file should be formatted?
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02:29 AM
I am able to run the flow when I set the ExtractText-->Splittext connection for matched and unmatched, but with incorrect output: {"Att3":" .{6}(.{2})","Att2":".{2}(.{4}).{2}","Att1":"(.{2}).{6}"}. Would it be more efficient to use the ReplaceTextWithMapping processor? I am unable to find a template with this processor and a relevant mapping file.
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02:07 AM
The output, based on this example would be JSON array [{"field1":"AA","field2":"BBBB","field3":"CC"},{"field1":"DD","field2":"EEEE","field3":"FF"}]
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11:14 PM
1 Kudo
I am looking for a simple example of how to use the NiFi ReplaceTextWithMapping to parse file contents. Are templates available including a mapping file? Please share.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:36 PM
I have assumed the following flow: GetFile --> ExtractText --> SplitText --> UpdateAttribute --> AttributesToJSON --> PutFile I receive an error in PutFile. Below are my modified configurations ExtractText - Enable Multiline Mode = True SplitText - Line Split Count = 1; Header Line Count = 1 Update Attribute - Properties as suggested
Att1 = (.{2}).{6}; Att2 = .{2}(.{4}).{2}; Att3 = .{6}(.{2}) AttributesToJSON
Attributes List = Att1, Att2, Att3 What am I missing here?
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