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3783 | 06-05-2016 08:03 AM |
01:18 PM
I don't understand why NN and SNN is advisable on different nodes. Because SNN read log from NN and process them into fsimage and so on. If SNN is in different node, that will cost network transferring. Not make sense.
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09:11 AM
works for me too
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08:03 AM
Thanks, I solve the question. The solution is to increase the core number for Ambari. Tez and other service are working well. Thank you!
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01:09 PM
I think my Tez is not working well. here is my test (in Ambari)
1. Using Pig without Tez => (it is ok) 2. Using Pig with Tez => (stuck in mapreduce) 3. Using Hive join table (default using Tez) => (it is finished in Ambari, but RM UI is still in stuck) Please see the application_1464887803963_0048
4. I use Pig on Tez in terminal (pig -x tez pig.test) => (it is ok) 5. I re-run the Tez service check, it's in green. I don't know why? I think my Tez in Amari is not working, please help Thanks
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06:32 PM
Thanks, Tez service check has stopped at 35% in error. This is the Tez log (log.txt), thank you Then I try to run a MapReduce Pig without Tez, I see its output. It is working. I release if my running job is related to Tez, that will be failed. I try a test for Hive loading hdfs file into Hive table, I found it uses Tez.
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04:58 PM
I follow Automation install in one VM with 16GB, 4 cores 1. After installed, all service are in green light. It's good. 2. When I use Pig view, I add New Script and write a simple code. The task is stuck, it seems not mapreduce not running. 3. I check the yarn log, it is always in RUNNING 4. I then try to test Hive in Upload Table, I choose one local file to upload to table hotels. When I submit to upload, it always stop in this message 5. Then I go to hive to see table hotel I just uploaded. It is empty, nothing has been uploaded. 6. I think my HDP (mapreduce) is not working, only HDFS is fine. Someone can tell me what's going on? I also try to change some yarn memory setting I google from internet posts. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Please help, thanks.
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06:37 AM
Someone know why my Pig/ Hive job are not working? I follow HDP (automation install) in one vmware with 16GB, everything is fine (all services are green in Ambari) But when I try to use Pig/ Hive in Ambari View, they are all failed stopped at 0% complete. I also try to login the terminal and manually run Pig/ example wordcount, the problem is the same. Someone have the same problem like this? Does One VM is not enough for Ambari hdp cluster? (if true, why sandbox is fine? ) Thanks
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12:43 AM
1 Kudo
I tried to use HDP2.2, 2.3 and install Hue follow your instruction (the link you provided) Some error found: 1. HCatalog issue: In import hdfs data to create table, it always hangs for nothing process 2. Hive issue: Query results page show nothing for all completed queries. I also tried hue3 (the latest version) follow on this page in HDP2.2, 2.3 having some issues: 1. Pig job always hangs and show 0%, nothing return 2. Hive returns query but in the job browser (running job status remains RUNNING)
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