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3253 | 01-09-2017 11:00 AM | |
1335 | 12-15-2016 09:48 AM | |
5749 | 02-03-2016 07:00 AM |
04:40 AM
I am using phoenix to create a table in hbase and insert some rows. If the insert is successful, i dont see any message on the console. But if i do see some error, i do see the error in the console. I just want to know where should i look for the logs so that i can check whether any operation through phoenix is failure or success. Is there any place where i could look for phoenix logs. I am usign HDP 2.4
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Phoenix
07:17 AM
I want to take my hbase table backup and store it in S3. Which jar file should i use to do that? I am using HDP 2.4 and i dont see hbase.jar hadoop jar hbase.jar emr.hbase.backup.Main --restore --backup-dir s3://your-bucket/backup-hbase/j-XXXX'
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
11:27 AM
Why spark dataframes are faster in scala/python. the same is not the case with RDD's. RDD's created in scala are faster than the one in python.
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
06:19 AM
Thanks @Robert Levas, I enabled DEBUG and found out the issue. AES 256 was not enabled on the linux machines. Ambari 2.1 doesnt seem to check this strictly, whereas ambari 2.2 is strictly enforcing. Thanks a lot for your help.
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04:49 AM
@Jonas Straub, i am using MIT KDC and it is running fine. kinit and klist are working fine. I am gettign the error , when i click the ënable kerberos" wizard in ambari. These are the scenarios 1. Lab environment - Ambari 2.2.x (KDC is running on the same machine) - KDC host not reachable is the error 2. Dev environment - Ambari 2.2.x - KDC host not reachable is the error. Before upgrading to 2.2 (in ambari 2.1), i was able to connect to the same KDC which now throws error. 3. Prod environment - Ambari 2.1 - NO error, i am able to connect to the same KDC which is running in the lab environment. My question is has this upgrade anything to do with this error.
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11:19 AM
I have raised this question earlier too. But still couldnt solve this issue. Any help would be great. Upgraded ambari from 2.1 to 2.2 and after that if i try to enable kerberos, i do see the error "KDC host unreachable". But in an environment where ambari still 2.1, i dont see this error. Is this a bug in ambari for this upgrade? Log messages are not clear 19 Apr 2016 05:56:16,683 WARN [qtp-ambari-client-29] KdcServerConnectionVerification:187 - An unexpected exception occurred while attempting to communicate with the KDC server at over TCP
19 Apr 2016 05:56:16,685 WARN [qtp-ambari-client-29] KdcServerConnectionVerification:187 - An unexpected exception occurred while attempting to communicate with the KDC server at over UDP
19 Apr 2016 05:56:16,685 ERROR [qtp-ambari-client-29] KdcServerConnectionVerification:113 - Failed to connect to the KDC at using either TCP or UDP p.s : i have just deleted the hostname in the above logs for the sake of anonymity
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
06:04 AM
I am planning to install Hbase on my cluster along with phoenix through Ambari. In the add service section (slaves and clients), i do see an option of Phoenix query server. By default it is not enabled. Should i install this component mandatorily or just a phoenix client is enough. If i need to install it mandatorily, where should i install this component ( which all nodes).
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Phoenix
06:07 AM
1 Kudo
Can anyone throw some light on the hbase table design. which one should one use "tall-narrow or flat wide design" and for which use case.
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- Labels:
Apache HBase