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06:56 AM
I'll see if I can get through the entire install first. It doesn't look like the procedure I've used has allowed the smoke test for hive or hiveserver2 to pass yet. So back to the drawing board.
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05:57 AM
Hi Artem, After setting the datanucleas.autoCreateSchema to true in hive-site.xml it has bootstrapped the schema and hive server starts up (I can set that back to false now and restart the service).
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04:13 AM
1 Kudo
Hi John, I'm also going through the install of HDP 2.3.4 on windows, and have found that derby server does not start. I downloaded the jar dependencies for derbynet-, derbyclient- and derbytools- and added them into the hive-version/lib directory. In the hive/bin/derbyserver.xml I modified the class path to include the derbynet- and the derby server starts up. On restarting the hiveserver2 service, it connects to the derby server, however the DB tables have not been created so the next step is to check why hive isn't creating the tables, this maybe due to configuration, or if there is a script available to manually create the tables. Most of the install for windows has worked, but I've found datanodes, and yarn nodemanagers did not startup automatically, and after some tweaking have got them working, did they startup automatically for you what did you're cluster properties look like? Thanks, Chris. Edit: after a bit of trial and error, I managed to get the "Run-SmokeTest HiveServer2" to pass however, have not yet managed to get the "Run-SmokeTest Hive" to pass. I'm not certain whether the hive client will operate with the hiveserver2, as opposed to the beeline client. If anyone can advise whether the standard hive command should work against hiveserver2 instead of the beeline client that'd be good to know. Otherwise, it seems the beeline client passes the smoke test. Other useful resources for info on installation included the hive website
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