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2811 | 02-11-2019 01:04 PM | |
3474 | 12-06-2018 01:19 PM | |
2054 | 08-23-2018 06:22 AM | |
1856 | 08-09-2018 11:29 AM | |
2627 | 03-29-2018 04:55 PM |
01:04 PM
1 Kudo
@Priyank Rupera Please take a look at on how Hive is modeled in Atlas and based on that you can model your own type . hive_column is added as an attribute to hive_table type : where hive_column is a type and entities can be created of hive_column type.
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05:31 AM
@Owez Mujawar Could you run kafka console consumer on topic ATLAS_HOOK and ATLAS_ENTITIES when you create a table and check if the messages are flowing to the topic ?
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05:25 AM
@Owez Mujawar What is the offsets.topic.replication.factor in kafka properties ? Is it greater than the number of kafka brokers ? Can you check kafka logs for error messages like the following ? ERROR [KafkaApi-1001] Number of alive brokers 'x' does not meet the required replication factor 'x' for the offsets topic (configured via 'offsets.topic.replication.factor'). This error can be ignored if the cluster is starting up and not all brokers are up yet. (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
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06:20 AM
@Owez Mujawar Looks like Hive Hook messages are not read by Atlas. Can you check if Hive hook is enabled correctly and can you check the following permissions ? hive's permission to publish to ATLAS_HOOK topic atlas's permission to read from ATLAS_HOOK topic and publish to ATLAS_ENTITIES topic.
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09:01 AM
@Owez Mujawar It is not possible to see lineage of tables created before Atlas Hive hook is enabled. Once hive hook is enabled , and then when new tables,lineage are created , you will be able to see the lineage. Let's consider the scenario: 1. Atlas is not installed on the cluster and no hive hook is enabled . Tables , views , (table1,view1)) etc are created in Hive. 2. Install Atlas on the cluster . Run to let the script contact Hive metastore and populate Atlas with existing Hive data. This script creates all tables , but lineage is not created (except for the external table). 3. Now , Enable hive hook .Create tables and views now . Since Hive hook is enabled , the lineage should be created in Atlas without running any import script. Since hook is enabled , we don't need to run the script anymore.
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04:55 AM
@Owez Mujawar Once you enable Hive hook , you should see the table, lineage , all DDL changes of Hive in Atlas. Please refer to enable hive hook. script is a one time script (no harm running multiple times though), which is used when on-boarding Atlas for the first time to sync metadata of Hive with Atlas. script basically contacts Hive metastore and populates Hive entities and sends it to Atlas. The script has no way to know how a CTAS table is created and what is the source of the table , hence lineage cannot be created. But it can know the details of external table. Hook captures live events and sends the information to Atlas.
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04:47 AM
@Owez Mujawar doesn't capture the lineage for internal tables. When Hive hook is enabled , and when you execute the queries, you can see the lineage in Atlas.
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01:19 PM
@Anpan K Yes , Atlas stores information in HBase. For fast information retrieval , the data need to be indexed and retrieved when queried. Atlas uses Janus Graph. Janus graph has 2 types of indexes : composite and mixed indexes. Composite indexes are supported with primary storage backend (HBase in this case), mixed graph indexes require indexing backend for full text search , numeric range search etc., Here , Solr is used by Atlas as indexing backend. You may read about Janus Graph for more detailed information.
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06:33 PM
2 Kudos
@Takefumi Oide The tag associated to the deleted entity can't be disassociated and hence can't be deleted.
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06:22 AM
@Zakir Hossain This is because ZHXMRT user doesn't have authorization to read the zakirtestdb entity. If you log in as user who has read privileges (example : admin) , you should be able to click.
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