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8075 | 03-01-2018 06:51 PM |
10:56 PM
Hello @kunal_agarwal If you are using Knox Gateway, it may be the bug, presented here To fix it you could apply this changes to file: ${KNOX_GATEWAY_HOME}/data/services/yarnui/2.7.0/rewrite.xml to rewrite rules of yarnui service
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07:38 PM
is there any resolution to this. I am seeing this issue with one of the acid tables which has around 25 M records. Other tables have 700 M records and are working fine. Facing this issue only for few tables.
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06:17 AM
Hi, Hope this below links helps in deciding the Configurations apart from the previous comments Thanks AKR
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08:29 AM
Can you please if the inode are available ? You can check this with "df -i" Thanks Vikas Srivastava
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01:59 PM
Hey @Sindhu and @ SUDHIR KUMAR Did you get the solution for this at all? I have been getting the same errors while running the Sqoop jobs and couldnt find out the solution. I have been through all the suggestions like restarting the cluster and checking "hdfs dfsadmin -report" which shows the datanodes availability. I have a EMR cluster with 3 ec2 instances of datanodes and 1ec2 instance of masternode. Any help is appreciable.
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06:50 PM
@hema moger Great if it's a Linux server then create a passwordless login between the remote server and the edge node. First, update your /etc/hosts so that the remoter server is pingable from your edge node check the firewall rules and make sure you don't have a DENY Here is the walkthrough See attached pic1.jpg In my case the I have a centos server GULU and a Cloudera Quickstart VM running in Oracle VM virtual box because they are on the same network it's easy GULU Remote server: I want to copy the file test.txt which is located in /home/sheltong/Downloads [root@gulu ~]# cd /home/sheltong/Downloads [root@gulu Downloads]# ls
test.txt Edge node or localhost: [root@quickstart home]# scp root@ .
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 93:8a:6c:02:9d:1f:e1:b5:0a:05:68:06:3b:7d:a3:d3.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:xxxxxremote_server_root_passwordxxx
test.txt 100% 136 0.1KB/s 00:00 Validate that the file was copied [root@quickstart home]# ls cloudera test.txt There you are I hope that helped
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