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05:22 PM
I have a Nifi data flow template and I would like to capture the error messages at each stage of the processors in case if there is an error at any stage of the flow and route them to my control database.The thing is if one of the flowfiles fails, I need someway of knowing that error and getting the error.So I need a way of detecting the failure and then getting that message back to our control database.So that I can see at what stage my job has failed or being successful. Is there a possible way to do this? TIA
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
05:01 AM
What I meant was, I want to convert the content in a flowfile to an attribute.
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04:41 AM
How do I get the count with the data into an attribute in Nifi? Is it possible to do that? If so pls guide me. TIA
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
04:32 PM
@ Rahul soni - Thanks so much for the detailed explanation.we have a custom scheduler which decides the number of jobs to run and this triggers the oozie API, which triggers the particular workflow like sqoop or Kafka whatever.So this workflow will go get the properties for the respective workflow and run the jobs.We are looking forward to replace the sqoop workflow with nifi.I have been doing some POC’s on nifi lately and realized that it has the capability to handle the load and was not sure how it would work in scheduling jobs like sqoop.Anyway your answer has given me a benefit of hope.
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06:32 AM
Hi, Is there a way to kick off multiple Nifi jobs in parallel ? For example, when it comes to sqoop we can kick off 10 different sqoop jobs at the same time in oozie, because they are all separate , I can do that, there is no restriction on that, but if I do this in Nifi, how does that work? Appreciate any help.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:49 AM
Hi, Is there a way to kick off multiple Nifi jobs in parallel ? For example, when it comes to sqoop we can kick off 10 different sqoop jobs at the same time in oozie, because they are all separate , I can do that, there is no restriction on that, but if I do this in Nifi, how does that work? Appreciate any help.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi