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07:53 AM
@Jasthi How can you get the processgroupname and ID ? this script get the current processgroup and not the one where the error occur . I am facing the same problem and i trying to create a log error flow that logs everything on the server , right now i was able to get the error and send by email , but there is nothing that indentifies in what flow the error happened
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12:17 PM
@Alex Coast The 5 minute retention of Bulletins is a hard coded value that cannot be edited by the end user. It is normal to see the occasional bulletin from some NiFi processors. For example a failed putSFTP because of filename conflict or network issues, but on retry it is successful. A continuous problem would result in non stop bulletins being produced which would be easily noticed. - Take a look at my response further up on using the "SiteToSiteBulletinReportingTask" if you are looking to retain bulletins info longer, manipulate, route, store that somewhere, etc.. - Thank you, Matt - If you found this answer addressed your question, please take a moment to login in and click the "ACCEPT" link.
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