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04:37 PM
For anybody having problem with timeline server warnings/error messages when using hiveql or hivestreaming in NiFi: define inside nifi conf directory symbolic link to /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml in order to allow nifi read property defining actual timeline server address and port solves this issue
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06:11 PM
I'm facing the same problem. NiFi logs are filled up with Timeline server connection problem. Have you got any solution?
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11:30 AM
Your discussion is valuable, as in HDP documentation there is nearly no information regarding small cluster planning and HDP components' placement between servers... @Jagatheesh Ramakrishnan How would you reconsider the configuration and components placement in case we have 3 master nodes and (on start) 3 data nodes. The number of data nodes will increase when needed.
For master node we are planning - 32GB RAM and 250GB HDD (if needed can be more memory and HDD), for data node - 24GB RAM and 8TB HDD.
Redundancy/HA of all components is a must as configuration will be used for production environment. Single node (even master) failure/restart/unavailability shall not disrupt any functionality.
As a redundant database solution for all components there will be 3-node MySQL active cluster (probably Percona XTRADB Cluster) used for all components requiring DB access. It will be located on master nodes. ,
Hi, Thank you for interesting information. Unfortunately in HDP documentation there is nearly no information regarding small cluster planning and components placement... How would you reconsider the configuration in case we have 3 master nodes and (on start) 3 data nodes. The number of data nodes will increase when needed. For master node- 32GB RAM and 250GB HDD (if needed can be more memory and HDD), for data node - 24GB RAM and 8TB HDD. Redundancy/HA of all components is a must as it is for production environment. Single node (even master) failure/restart/unavailability shall not disrupt any functionality. As a redundant database for all components there will be 3-node MySQL cluster (probably Percona XTRADB Cluster) used. It will be located on master nodes.
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