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07:40 AM
Thank you @Akhil S Naik. Your solution is works!
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12:13 PM
This is full stack trace.. TypeError: Cannot read property 'join's null at new i (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/vendor.js:5598:40988) at l (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/vendor.js:5598:41338) at p (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/vendor.js:5598:42035) at Function.q [as guess] (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/vendor.js:5598:42235) at getDefaultTimezone (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/yarn-ui.js:366:445) at convertTimestampWithT (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/yarn-ui.js:366:656) at Object.timeStampToDate (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/yarn-ui.js:348:127) at Class.internalNormalizeSingleResponse (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/yarn-ui.js:287:73) at Class.<anonymous> (hostname:8088/ui2/assets/yarn-ui.js:288:2024) at (native)
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12:03 PM
Unfortunately, an incognito window also displays a blank page.
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11:50 AM
I was successfully install ambari 2.7v and hdp 3.0. But, When i connect to Resource Manager UI(v2), web browser shows a blank pages. In a chrome development tool, i found an error. "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'join' of null" TypeError: Cannot read property 'join's null at new i (http://hostname:8088/ui2/assets/vendor.js:5598:40988) at l (http://hostname:8088/ui2/assets/vendor.js:5598:41338) ... TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined at Class.error (yarn-ui.js:268) at Object.triggerEvent (vendor.js:1800) ... I tested it in a browser like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, i got a same blank pages. But, I tested it in Firefox, Resource Manager UI(v2) works fine. What is problem? How can i fix this problem?
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
06:21 AM
When i was querying to hive using mr execution engine, some containers use more than 100% cpu. I was see from 50% cpu usage up to 1000% cpu usage. (using top command on each node manager host) I don't understand why one container uses more than 100% cpu. is Map or Reduce working multithreaded?
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
12:06 AM
Thank you for your answer @Vipin Rather. But, I am concerned ranger load balancer die. If server contains ranger load balancer dies, what can i do?
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06:25 AM
How can I prepare for Ranger Server failure? If the server that has ranger admin server got critical fault, i can't changes authorization policy until restore ranger admin server. So, i need to restore, backup, ha and etc.. options. First, i consider ha option. Ranger HA uses load balancer in front of two ranger admin server. I think that it is same situation in server level failure. It just moved single point of failure from ranger admin server to load balancer. Even if i construct ranger admin load balancer to another server, all services of using ranger plugin need to restart. That is very very hard big and commercial cluster. Second, i consider reinstall ranger option. It follows working sequences in the below. Ranger plugin disable -> service of using ranger plugin restart -> install ranger to another server -> Ranger plugin enable It also needs restarting services. I don't understand why can't add comma separated url to, configuration. I think since ranger admin does not have huge loads, so ranger admin does not need load balancer. Return to first, How can I prepare for Ranger Server failure?
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- Labels:
Apache Ranger