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1093 | 06-06-2017 07:23 AM |
08:00 PM
got it, I start to understand how works the grouping in Pig . actually to be sure i did: october_gr_counting = FOREACH october_station_gr GENERATE group , COUNT(october) thanks so much buddy.
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12:55 AM
when we override the path, it won't create any <dbname>.db folder, assuming that the specified path it self is the db /main folder for the mentioned database.
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03:02 PM
Due to HIVE_8615, it is advised to start using csv2/tsv2 for Beeline output formatting as csv/tsv are deprecated as of Hive 0.14. More details can be on the Apache Hiveserver2 Client wiki: "Separated-Value Output Formats
Starting with Hive 0.14, there are improved SV output formats available, namely DSV, CSV2 and TSV2. These conform better to standard CSV convention, which adds quotes around a cell value only if it contains special characters (such as the delimiter character or a quote character) or spans multiple lines. These three formats differ only with the delimiter between cells, which is comma for CSV2, tab for TSV2, and configurable for DSV (delimiterForDSV property). CSV and TSV output formats are maintained for backward compatibility, but beware as they add additional single-quote characters around all cell values contrary to this convention."
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10:58 AM
1 Kudo
Hi all, I am having the below senario, where the values in where clause is dynamic. beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<#####>/;auth=noSasl --silent=true --hivevar where_condition=" where modifyts >= '2016-02-18 00:55:43.00' and modifyts < '2016-02-18 00:55:44.0'" --hiveconf --hiveconf hive.optimize.skewjoin=true --hivevar destination_hive_table_name=<table> -f insert_delta_data.hql
22-02-2016 02:51:05 PST beeline_insert_into_k_gvt_inv_node_cntrl_tbl INFO - Usage: java org.apache.hive.cli.beeline.BeeLine
22-02-2016 02:51:05 PST beeline_xxxxx INFO - -u the JDBC URL to connect to
22-02-2016 02:51:05 PST beeline_xxxxx INFO - -n the username to connect as
22-02-2016 02:51:05 PST beeline_xxxxxNFO - -p the password to connect as
22-02-2016 02:51:05 PST ......................
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