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3154 | 01-19-2018 10:46 PM | |
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02:31 AM
@sunile.manjee was looking at the code in Ambari below specific to metric alerts and it seems as if that default_port value is not being used as in other alert types Function used to extract uri appears to only use the default port if uri isn't defined: Also in other examples I've seen the uri is parameterized with a value from Ambari configuration. And when looking at the ambari config the port value is actually included with the uri and not separated out . See example in Create Custom Alert JSON file" section here: . It may be worthwhile to try including the the port value with the uri
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01:18 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Leo
Gallucci, I know in the Apache NiFi community there has been conversations around Kubernetes but within HDF engineering we are definitely focused on it. I don't have a timeline but we are looking to support NiFi on Kubernetes in a release very soon.
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07:12 PM
Thanks @bsaini, I've made the correction. Glad this worked for you!
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10:46 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Changwon Choi , As @Jay Kumar SenSharma mentioned the important part was updating the base url first. The problem is that without that update Ambari downloaded the older version of the registry (and other components). You can check this by doing the following on each host that has registry components installed: 1) Confirm that the correct version of registry was installed yum list info | grep registry This command should show the installed repositories for registry as shown below: registry_3_0_2_0_76 If that version is not in the list then perform the following (on each host missing correct version). If it is installed skip to step 2. a) Verify that /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-*.repo has the updated HDF BASE URL (* denotes number 1 or two depending on your setup). If it does not, you will need to manually edit this file to set the correct BASE URL for HDF b) Install the newest library yum install -y registry_3_0_2_0_76* c) Ensure the stack recognizes the latest version hdf-select set registry d) Continue to step 2 to check stack has the appropriate version selected 2) Check the version of the component recognized by the stack: hdf-select status | grep registry This should show registry as the following: registry - If the version is not accurate (e.g. showing then perform step 1c above and check the version again. Once the above is performed on all hosts affected, return to Ambari and restart Registry. One thing to note is that the above can be performed to manual correct other HDF components (e.g. nifi, SAM as well) Please let me know if this helps!
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10:49 PM
@Johny Travolta Hello! How many nodes do you have in your cluster? If more than one (and you didn't setup NiFi using Ambari) I would just check to make sure that the login-identity-provider.xml file is the same throughout (and has the correct settings). With Ambari (HDF) nodes should be configured with the same settings. My hunch is if you have a clustered environment, one node is configured properly and one or more others may not be. So when a user logs in the rest call behind the scenes may be routed to an improperly configured node. And that could explain why some work and some don't. If just one node I would check the user search base settings that you have and whether some users may not fall in the potential search for LDAP. I hope this helps!
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03:12 PM
4 Kudos
With the latest release of Apache NiFi 1.2.0 the JoltTransformJson Processor
became a bit more powerful with an upgrade to the Jolt library (to version 0.1.0)
and the introduction of expression language (EL) support. This now provides users the ability to create
dynamic specifications for JSON transformation and to perform some data
manipulation tasks all within the context of the processor. Internal caching
has also been added to improve overall performance.
Let’s take an example of transformation Twitter json payload
seen below:
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In our case we want to accomplish several things when transforming this data in JoltTransformJson:
Create a subset of json data that contains id,
tweet text, in reply to fields and a new flow_file_id field
Match the “id” variable in the twitter payload based
on flow file variable and convert that
to a new label (tweet_id)
Set my tweet text to all lower case Set some default values for in reply to fields
that are null
Add flow file unique id to json data
Once the data has been transformed it will land on the file system as well as within a Mongo db repository.
Basic Flow of Twitter Data Transformation and Storage
Here's a close up of the specification in use:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"${id.var}": "tweet_id",
"text": "tweet_text",
"in_reply_to_*": "&"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"tweet_text": "=toLower"
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"~in_reply_to_status_id": 0,
"~in_reply_to_status_id_str": "",
"~in_reply_to_user_id": "",
"~in_reply_to_user_id_str": 0,
"~in_reply_to_screen_name": ""
"operation": "default",
"flow_file_id" : "${uuid}"
In the above you’ll see we’ve this accomplished with a
chain specification containing four operations (shift, modify-overwrite,
and default). The shift
helps to define the fields needed for the final schema and translates those
fields into new labels. Note the shift’s
specification uses expression language on the left side (${id.var}) that will
evaluate to a value populated by the UpdateAttribute processor (this value could
also be populated from the Variable Registry). The Jolt library will then
attempt to match that value to the corresponding label in the incoming json
data and change it to the new label (in this case “tweet_id”) on the
The next operation uses modifier-overwrite to ensure that
for all the tweet text coming in we apply the Jolt lower case function to that
data. We then use a modifier-default operation that applies default values to the
in_reply_to fields if those values are null.
Finally we use a basic default operation to create the new flow_file_id
field by applying expression language on the right of the field name to
dynamically create the flow file id entry.
JoltTransformJson Advanced UI with Chain Specification
New Test Attributes Modal for testing Expression Language used in Specifications
The Advanced UI (shown above) has also been enhanced to allow testing of
specifications with expression language (specifically to provide test
attributes that need to be resolved during testing). This gives users greater insight into how a
flow will behave without relying on any external dependencies such as flow file
attributes or variable registry entries.
Example of Transformed JSON (shown in Provenance)
Looking to give this a try? Feel free to download the example template on
GitHub Gist
here and import it into NiFi. The template includes the
specification described above which you can tweak and test out various
scenarios. Also if you have any questions about transforming JSON in Apache NiFi with
Jolt please comment below or reach out to the community on the Apache NiFi mailing list.
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04:51 PM
Glad that worked! Concerning group permission definitely a known issue, don't believe there's a public work ticket that you can follow.
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07:33 PM
Hi @Oliver Fletcher! Great work making it this far. Ok here's the challenge. Unfortunately right now Ranger-NiFi plugin doesn't support groups in Ranger. This is a known issue and I believe there is work pending to address it. I see you do have a user entry of oliver, however is the username set to oliver@NIFI.LOCAL ? Based on your logs that is what NiFi is expecting to find.
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02:47 PM
Lastly concerning the policies defined. If you could post a screen shot of what you have defined that would be helpful for me to troubleshoot as well.
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02:45 PM
Another thought on Solr. That actually lives behind the scenes of Ambari Infra. If you enabled auditing for the Ranger-NiFi plugin it should have populated configuration to use Solr that's behind Ambari Infra for logging (I believe it populates those values by default) . If you could post what you have configured for ranger-nifi-audit properties that would be easier for me to determine for sure.
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