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3475 | 05-25-2016 11:37 AM |
11:37 AM
1 Kudo
Thanks for replies everyone - issue sorted. During Falcon installation, root filesystem managed to fill up. Falcon seemed to be installed ok according to RPM however it wasn't clean. Increased space and restarted the relevant components and all now ok.
Thanks all
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03:25 PM
This is during initial setup. I can check the zookeeper instances however the issue seems to be earlier than the zookeeper entry ERROR: Can't get the locations Here is some help for this command: Start
disable of named table: hbase> disable 't1' hbase> disable
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03:13 PM
1 Kudo
Trying to install our first cluster. All components seemed to install OK
however during the start phase we received an indication on one node
that the Check HBase component had apparently failed although this
didn't indicate the entire installation had failed. We are unsure therefore if we can proceed with the installation as
we also received issues with Flume however none of the checks or starts
for flume returned any output, whether stdout or stderr. A number of
components after Flume didnt receive any output either. The error message is as below:
Python script has been killed due to timeout after waiting 300 secs
2016-05-23 09:11:41,600 - Using hadoop conf dir: /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf
2016-05-23 09:11:41,607 - File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/'] {'content': StaticFile(''), 'mode': 0755}
2016-05-23 09:11:41,609 - Writing File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/'] because it doesn't exist
2016-05-23 09:11:41,609 - Changing permission for /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/ from 644 to 755
2016-05-23 09:11:41,612 - File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/'] {'content': Template(''), 'mode': 0755}
2016-05-23 09:11:41,612 - Writing File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/'] because it doesn't exist
2016-05-23 09:11:41,612 - Changing permission for /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/ from 644 to 755
2016-05-23 09:11:41,613 - Execute['
/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/bin/hbase --config
/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/conf shell /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/ && /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/
/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/conf id170a6e31_date112316
/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/bin/hbase'] {'logoutput': True, 'tries':
6, 'user': 'ambari-qa', 'try_sleep': 5}
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
ERROR: Can't get the locations
Here is some help for this command:
Start disable of named table:
hbase> disable 't1'
hbase> disable 'ns1:t1'
ERROR: Can't get the locations
Here is some help for this command:
Drop the named table. Table must first be disabled:
hbase> drop 't1'
hbase> drop 'ns1:t1'
ERROR: Can't get master address from ZooKeeper; znode data == null
Here is some help for this command:
Creates a table. Pass a table name, and a set of column family
specifications (at least one), and, optionally, table configuration.
Column specification can be a simple string (name), or a dictionary
(dictionaries are described below in main help output), necessarily
including NAME attribute.
Create a table with namespace=ns1 and table qualifier=t1
hbase> create 'ns1:t1', {NAME => 'f1', VERSIONS => 5}
Create a table with namespace=default and table qualifier=t1
hbase> create 't1', {NAME => 'f1'}, {NAME => 'f2'}, {NAME => 'f3'}
hbase> # The above in shorthand would be the following:
hbase> create 't1', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3'
hbase> create 't1', {NAME => 'f1', VERSIONS => 1, TTL => 2592000, BLOCKCACHE => true}
hbase> create 't1', {NAME => 'f1', CONFIGURATION => {'hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles' => '10'}}
Table configuration options can be put at the end.
hbase> create 'ns1:t1', 'f1', SPLITS => ['10', '20', '30', '40']
hbase> create 't1', 'f1', SPLITS => ['10', '20', '30', '40']
hbase> create 't1', 'f1', SPLITS_FILE => 'splits.txt', OWNER => 'johndoe'
hbase> create 't1', {NAME => 'f1', VERSIONS => 5}, METADATA => { 'mykey' => 'myvalue' }
hbase> # Optionally pre-split the table into NUMREGIONS, using
hbase> # SPLITALGO ("HexStringSplit", "UniformSplit" or classname)
hbase> create 't1', 'f1', {NUMREGIONS => 15, SPLITALGO => 'HexStringSplit'}
hbase> create 't1', 'f1', {NUMREGIONS => 15, SPLITALGO =>
{'hbase.hregion.scan.loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand' => 'true'}}
You can also keep around a reference to the created table:
hbase> t1 = create 't1', 'f1'
Which gives you a reference to the table named 't1', on which you can then
call methods.
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache HBase