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9088 | 05-04-2018 05:01 PM | |
13278 | 04-16-2018 10:13 AM |
10:23 AM
It resolved the issue with /user/admin, but I still get the error with HiveServer2: Connection failed on host (Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 212, in execute ldap_password=ldap_password) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/functions/", line 81, in check_thrift_port_sa..
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09:57 AM
When I start HiveServer2 in Ambari, I get the following error: Connection failed on host (Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 212, in execute ldap_password=ldap_password) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/functions/", line 81, in check_thrift_port_sa.. Hive services check provides the following outputs: User Home Check failed with the message: File does not exist: /user/admin Hive check failed with the message: org.apache.ambari.view.hive20.internal.ConnectionException: Cannot open a hive connection with connect string jdbc:hive2://,,;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;hive.server2.proxy.user=admin
org.apache.ambari.view.hive20.internal.ConnectionException: Cannot open a hive connection with connect string jdbc:hive2://,,;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;hive.server2.proxy.user=admin
at org.apache.ambari.view.hive20.internal.HiveConnectionWrapper.connect(
at org.apache.ambari.view.hive20.resources.browser.ConnectionService.attemptHiveConnection(
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hive
09:48 AM
Yes, I can download JAR files. I restarted the Ambari Server and now the problem is resolved.
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08:57 AM
When I execute "ls -l /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/mysql-connector-java.jar" in the master node, I get the correct output "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/mysql-connector-java.jar -> /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar". Also the command "ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=mysql --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar" outputs this: -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 883898 Apr 13 08:54 /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/mysql-connector-java.jar But I still get the same error. Should I restart Ambari Server?
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08:45 AM
I am getting this error "No package mysql-connection-java available". Which repository of MySQL should I use?
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08:22 AM
I cannot start Hive Metastore Start in one of slaves because of the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 203, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 375, in execute
File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 54, in start
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 120, in locking_configure
original_configure(obj, *args, **kw)
File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 72, in configure
hive(name = 'metastore')
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_commons/", line 89, in thunk
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 310, in hive
jdbc_connector(params.hive_jdbc_target, params.hive_previous_jdbc_jar)
File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/HIVE/", line 527, in jdbc_connector
content = DownloadSource(params.driver_curl_source))
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/", line 166, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/", line 160, in run
self.run_action(resource, action)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/", line 124, in run_action
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/providers/", line 123, in action_create
content = self._get_content()
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/providers/", line 160, in _get_content
return content()
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/", line 52, in __call__
return self.get_content()
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/", line 197, in get_content
raise Fail("Failed to download file from {0} due to HTTP error: {1}".format(self.url, str(ex)))
resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Failed to download file from due to HTTP error: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hive
08:15 AM
I solved this problem by substituting public IPs by private IPs in /etc/hosts.
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09:12 PM
By the way I tried to start Spark. It gives me a similar error related to accessing the port 50070: raise ExecutionFailed(err_msg, code, files_output[0], files_output[1]) resource_management.core.exceptions.ExecutionFailed: Execution of 'curl -sS -L -w '%{http_code}' -X GET '' 1>/tmp/tmpRHABVf 2>/tmp/tmpGCdsgA' returned 7. curl: (7) Failed connect to; Connection refused 000
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07:12 PM
Also, I started the Namenode manually in the master node using this command:
su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/../hadoop/sbin/ start namenode"
Attached is the output of the command. However, I still do not see in Ambari UI that the NameNodes is started.
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
ulimit -a for user hdfs
core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 64019
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 128000
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 65536
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
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07:08 PM
Mostly it can happen if the "hostname -f" command out put on your NameNode is same as the following properties in your "Advanced hdfs-site.xml" Do you mean that the output of the command "hostname -f" should be the same as these ones?:
dfs.namenode.http-address dfs.namenode.rpc-address Ambari UI --> HDFS -->Configs-->Advanced-->"Advanced hdfs-site.xml"
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