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06:06 AM
Hey @Law , Can you please provide your cloudbreak version and from where you are taking this link. Also, if you can start a new thread with your query and related information specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question.
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03:06 PM
1 Kudo
@ansharma1 You can run the following query in Ambari DB SELECT view_instance_id,resource_id,view_name, cluster_handle,cluster_type FROM viewinstance; Above query will show that the view which is causing the problem might not be associated with any cluster_handle. (cluster_handle is basically the cluster_id, which you can see in the clusters table). If cluster_handle for a view is not correctly updated then you might see that kind of message: org.apache.ambari.server.view.IllegalClusterException: Failed to get cluster information associated with this view instance If you want to use the same old View to work fine (instead of creating a new Instance of that view) then you might have to make sure to update the cluster_handle for that view instance is set correctly. Like 1. Take ambari DB dump (latest dump for backup), As we are going to change the DB manually. 2. Stop ambari-server 3. Run the following queries in the amabri DB. NOTE: Following is just a dummy query the values for 'cluster_handle' and 'view_instance_id' in that query may vary. UPDATE viewinstance SET cluster_handle = 4 WHERE view_instance_id=3;
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