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05:35 PM
Thanks for the reply, it helped me a lot! Unfortunately, when trying to apply this solution on our (secure) cluster, the installations hangs at "Install pending..." and looking at the ambari-server.log I see many errors like the following: 14 Mar 2016 12:54:03,430 INFO [qtp-ambari-client-21] AbstractResourceProvider:764 - Caught an exception while updating host components, retrying : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing KDC administrator credentials.
The KDC administrator credentials must be set as a persisted or temporary credential resource.This may be done by issuing a POST to the /api/v1/clusters/:clusterName/credentials/kdc.admin.credential API entry point with the following payload:
"Credential" : {
"principal" : "(PRINCIPAL)", "key" : "(PASSWORD)", "type" : "(persisted|temporary)"}
I'm currently logged on to Ambari as a user with admin privileges. I should also point out that when confirming the broker installation the popup also states that: "Because Kerberos has been manually installed on the cluster, you will have to create/distribute principals and keytabs when this operation is finished." Thanks in advance for any help.
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