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2813 | 11-14-2016 09:08 AM | |
1421 | 10-31-2016 09:20 AM |
11:29 AM
As a general best practice, I suggest sending those metrics to an all-together separate monitoring system (something like InfluxDB). You can’t effectively monitor a thingy with the same thing. If that thingy fails… you risk losing visibility. #JustSayin
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02:16 PM
thanks @Matt Clarke. Will downgrade asap.
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01:21 PM
Thanks! Will try. Its still in the early stages so load is not a huge concern right now
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03:07 PM
I'm not moving all directories to new places, but consolidating 8 locations to 3 - I wasn't sure how all the metadata and splits would copy over given some of the filenames are the same in each directory
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02:06 PM
1 Kudo
@Sebastian Carroll The intent of the automated SSL setup is to help users who do not have an external CA quickly build and deploy (in the case of Ambari) a valid keystore and truststore to their NiFi instance(s). Ambari simply uses the tls-toolkit as well but with some pre-defined parameters to automated the creation of the keystores and truststore for your Ambari deployed NiFi cluster. It is really not recommended to use the NiFi CA in Ambari in a production environment. Users encouraged to use a legitimate CA to sign certificates in a production. The reason for this is because their is no inherent trust of any certs signed by the NiFi CA and every install of a HDF NiFi cluster will have its own CA. So using being able to use things like NiFi's S2S protocol between systems deployed using different NiFi CA adds a lot of additional work/overhead since you must constantly update the CAs in every systems truststore. If I am understanding you correctly, you are asking for a way to tell Ambari to generate certificates and pass them to an external company CA to get them signed? Since Ambari has no control over an external CA and the credentials needed to sign certificate requests should be highly protected, I don't see a way to securely automate this entire process. The best that could be done is to Automate the creation of the self-signed certificate and certificate signing request. The user would still need to send that request to their company CA to be signed and the import the signed response once received back in to your keystore. Users would also still need to manually obtain the public key for their company CA in order to create or add it to a truststore. The problem with having Ambari auto-generate a certificate is that many companies have specific requirements for what specifically must be defined in servers certificate. Having Ambari provide all possible options sounds like overkill. I don't see why you could not use the NiFi tls-toolkit to generate a certificate that you could then get signed by your own CA. Again, I don't really see how NiFi could automate beyond creating the cert and signing request. If I am missing something here, please let me know. In Ambari based installs you do not need to use the NiFi CA to create certificates. Simply make sure the NiFi certificate authority is not installed. Then in the NiFi configs within NiFi, configure the SSL settings to point at the PKCS12 or JKS keystore and truststore you manually obtained via your company. The configs by default in Ambari expect that every node is using a keystore named the same (content of keystore shoudl be unique on each node)and that the keystores all use the same password. Thank you, Matt
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01:43 PM
1 Kudo
# Ruby Scripting in NiFi Today I was asked about an issue that I didn't know how to
solve using NiFi. On the surface it sounded simple; just map an attribute to
another value. The attribute to map was 'port' and based on the port number
just add an attribute to more easily identify the system downstream. E.g. for
port 10003; syslog:local, for 10004; syslog:db1, etc. After a bit of digging I
found a few different options to solve this. ## Many UpdateAttribute Processors The first is to create a new UpdateAttribute processor for
each incoming stream. This labels (places an attribute) on all files that come
in from that listener. It looked like this: ![Multiple UpdateAttribute Processors]({{ site.baseurl
}}/images/multiple_attribute_updates.png) This looks a bit confusing and tedious but is very precise
and arguably easier to read, especially when we label the processors. It also
has the added advantage of not having to change the port in more than one
place. If for example, the local logs coming in over port 10002 need to change
to port 10003, then we just make that change in the ListenSyslog processor and
the rest remains unchanged. ## One UpdateAttribute Using the Advanced The advanced option allowed me to keep all the configuration
in one place, easily mapping port numbers to tags. The two disadvantages I ran
into were: 1. A fairly tedious process to get each mapping. It
involved: * Create new rule * Add name * Search for existing
rule to import * Change port number
and associated label 2. Must now change the port in two different places if it
were to change I would look like: ![Single UpdateAttribute with Advanced Features]({{
site.baseurl }}/images/single-updateattribute-with-advanced-features.png) ## ExecuteScript Processor This again allows me to keep all the configuration in one
place and makes it much easier to make changes. I created a processor that stores the mappings in a hash and
adds the correct attribute appropriately. It looks like so: ![ExecuteScript Processor for Mapping]({{ site.baseurl
}}/images/executescript-processor-for-mapping.png) From the UI perspective it looks very similar to the single
UpdateAttribute solution. This requires the addition of the script: {% highlight ruby %} map = { 10 =>
"system1", 9 =>
"system2", 8 =>
"system3", } map.default = "unknown" flowFile = session.get() return unless flowFile label = map[flowFile.getAttribute("port")] flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile,
"system", label) session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS) session.commit() {% endhighlight %} It is more complex by adding the need to understand a
scripting language and also doesn't remove the requirement of changing the port
number in more than one place. The script can add more complexity if it becomes
necessary to reference as a file rather than using the 'Script Body' option in
the processor. The main advantage is that it makes it easier to change the
mapping - just copy and paste one of the lines of the hash and make changes all
in one place. Given NiFi's goal of minimising the need for data flow
managers to know how to code, it's unlikely this is the best approach. # Conclusion The first option is quite foreign to programmers who feel
like it isn't generic. This is understandable given that it does feel a bit
like copy and paste. I would say it is the most NiFi way of achieving the
mapping as it is the solution which is most self-describing and resistant to
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03:39 PM
@Sebastian Carroll There are other things that also exist in heap memory space within the NiFi JVM: Component Status History: NiFi will store status history data points for all processors on the NiFi canvas (including those that are stopped). You can see this stored status history by right clicking on a component and selecting "view status history". Each component has numerous stats for which these data points are retained. All these component status points are stored in heap memory. The number of points per each stat that is held in heap is controlled in the file: nifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size --> Specifies the buffer size for the Component Status Repository. The default value is 1440. nifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency --> This value indicates how often to present a snapshot of the components' status history. The default value is 1 min. so on every restart of NiFi these stats are gone since they are in heap only. Then over the course of default 24 hours (1440 minutes in 24 hours) the heap usage grows. You can reduce the heap usage by this status history by adjusting the above properties. (take snapshots less frequently, perhaps every 5 minutes. Reduce number of data points retained from 1440 to 380 or lower.) Templates: All uploaded templates (whether they are instantiated to canvas or not) are held in heap memory. you can reduce heap memory usage by deleting uploaded templates you will no longer be instantiating to canvas. Dataflow: Your entire flow is held in heap memory. The more components you have on the canvas the large heap footprint. Queued FlowFiles: Even if no processors are running, the FlowFile attributes for FlowFiles loaded in to each connection between processors are held in heap memory. (There is a swap threshold configurable in file which triggers a connection to start swapping to disk if number fo queued FlowFiles exceeds the configured swap threshold) Thank you, Matt
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02:52 PM
Specifically, in your processor POM (which you list above), Bryan is saying that under that dependency you should have a <scope>provided</scope> line, and in your NAR POM you should include: <dependency>
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12:37 PM
@Pierre Villard Thanks! I was hoping I had missed something in the API docs
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