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08:56 PM
Lee, all, We tracked down the issue to an attribute variable I was using to put into the json. It had unescaped/hidden characters (\n) that where causing the JOLT processor to fail; however like you, it would work via the "Advance Editor". I used escapeJson() on the attribute it works it also makes the \n are visible in the flowfile. Simple Example: [ { "operation": "default", "spec": { "content": "${ext_content:escapeJson()}", <- ext_content attribute contained the issue "date": "${ext_date}", "updateDate": "${ext_updateDate}" } } ] Hope this this helps and saves someone else some time! JF
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08:57 PM
1 Kudo
Gonzalez You can specify more then one host but it is not required. Once the RPG establish a connection to the target host it will retrieve the S2S details of the target cluster and store that locally. If the host you provided become unavailable at anytime after that initial connection , it will try anyone of the other nodes it learned about previously to get S2S details. Having multiple nodes configured helps when NiFi by giving the source Nifi more then one target node to establish initial connection with. - Your load-balancing issue is completely unrelated to how many nodes URLS you configured in your RPG. Here is an article that covers how load-balancing works with an RPG: - Thanks, Matt
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