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01:58 PM
To answer my original post, the reason is old snapshots created before the deletion reserved/booked the space. Once these snapshots were deleted, space was released.
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12:53 AM
I also ran expunge several times, but there is no change in the hdfs dfs -du output. sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -expunge
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12:53 AM
Hi, I deleted many files from a hdfs subfolder, but no space was released according to hdfs dfs -du -h /hdfs_folder. The files deleted were above 70G, and with 3 replica, 210G space should be released, but in dfs -du output, there was no change at all. Now about 18 hours passed, and I changed the following parameters on Cloudera, but there was still no change. changed fs.trash.interval from 1 day to 20 minutes (from 1440 to 20) changed fs.trash.checkpoint.interval from 1 hour to 20 minutes (from 60 to 20) The other question is the size I calculated on each files size is 2TB less on bigger folder on which -du shows 8.4TB. How can I find which space has been used for other purposes? Thanks. du output: $ hdfs dfs -du -h /folder1 ... 97.3 G 292.0 G /folder1/folder2 Below is the command I used: 1. list the files/folder, then based on the output, I calculated the total size of the files/folders deleted hdfs dfs -ls -R /$hdfs_folder output of the above command. I used size 4008 column to add the sizes of each files -rw-r--r-- 3 ayasdi supergroup 4008 2018-03-07 18:48 /folder1/folder2/folder3 2. Delete folders sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash $folder
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Apache Hadoop