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Title | Views | Posted |
19575 | 12-13-2019 12:03 PM | |
4606 | 12-09-2019 02:42 PM | |
3420 | 11-26-2019 01:21 PM | |
1549 | 08-27-2019 03:03 PM | |
3049 | 08-14-2019 07:33 PM |
01:14 AM
I was facing the similar error and got it resolved by added Hadoop users to passwd file. resource_management.core.exceptions.ExecutionFailed: Execution of 'usermod -G hadoop -g hadoop hive' returned 6. usermod: user 'hive' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: Error: Unable to run the custom hook script ['/usr/bin/python', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/hooks/before-ANY/scripts/', 'ANY', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/command-59009.json', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/hooks/before-ANY', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/structured-out-59009.json', 'INFO', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp', 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2', ''] >> File location /etc/passwd >> Adduser hadoop
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03:53 AM
Hello @rvillanueva , You can check how many threads are used by a user by running ps -L -u <username> | wc -l if the user’s open files limit ( ulimit -n <user name >) is hit then the user can’t spawn any further more threads. Most possible reasons in this case could be, Same user running other jobs and having open files on the node where it tries to launch/spawn the container. systems thread might have excluded. see which application is running and what is their current open files Kindly check application log (application_XXX),if available and see which phase it throw's the exception and on which node the issue is faced.
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03:07 PM
As this is an older thread which was previously marked 'Solved', you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also provide the opportunity to provide details specific to your environment (for example, what happened once you added the affected user accounts with "normal" command add user on all nodes) that could aid others in providing a more relevant, accurate answer to your question.
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02:44 AM
Hi, ``You can configure proxy user using properties hadoop.proxyuser.$superuser.hosts along with either or both of hadoop.proxyuser.$superuser.groups and hadoop.proxyuser.$superuser.users.`` Refer: [1]
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07:29 AM
@rvillanueva Please refer article
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11:30 AM
1 Kudo
From the Ranger email list, this is another bit of information that I found helpful: ---------- I’ve configured ranger using the following approach to control who must be synced with AD. Only users belonging to groups inside a specific OU will be synced. I’ve created the OU OU=ArthurAmericasGroups,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,OU=SHARED,OU=Brazil,DC=domain,DC=com Create a group called R2Users inside that OU. I put all desired sync users as its members. Also, you can put other groups as its member. And, you can create other groups like R2TEAM as well. Remember to update this property ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchfilter to include more than one. I’ve configured ranger to sync groups before users. Here is the configuration. in COMMON CONFIGS Label Property Value LDAP/AD URL ranger.usersync.ldap.url ldap:// Bind User ranger.usersync.ldap.binddn CN=LDAP_AD_ACCOUNT,OU=Service Accounts,OU=LCB,OU=Brazil,DC=domain,DC=com Bind User Password ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword LDAP_AD_ACCOUNT user’s password Inclemetal Sync ranger.usersync.ldap.deltasync Yes Enable LDAP STARTTLS ranger.usersync.ldap.starttls No GROUP CONFIGS Label Property Value Enable Group Sync Yes Group Member Attribute member Group Name Attribute Cn Group Object Class Group Group Search Base OU=ArthurAmericasGroups,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,OU=SHARED,OU=Brazil,DC=domain,DC=com Group Search Filter Enable Group Search First Yes Sync Nested Groups is_nested_groupsync_enabled Yes Group Hierarchy Levels ranger.usersync.ldap.grouphierarchylevels 5 USER CONFIGS Label Property Value Username Attribute ranger.usersync.ldap.user.nameatributte sAMAccountName User Object Class ranger.usersync.ldap.objectclass User User Search Base ranger.usersync.ldap.searchbase DC=domain,DC=com User Search Filter ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchfilter (memberOf=CN=R2Users,OU=ArthurAmericasGroups,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,OU=SHARED,OU=Brazil,DC=domain,DC=com) User Search Scope ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchscope Sub User Group Name Attribute ranger.usersync.ldap.groupnameattribute sAMAccountName Group User Map Sync Yes Enable User Search ranger.usersync.user.searchenabled Yes ADVANCED Ranger Settings Label Property Value Authentication method ACTIVE_DIRECTORY AD Settings Label Property Value AD Bind Password LDAP_AD_ACCOUNT user’s password Domain Name (Only for AD) DC=domain,DC=com AD Base DN DC=domain,DC=com AD Referreal Follow AD User Serach Filter (sAMAccountName={0}) Advanced ranger-ugsync-site Label Property Value ranger.usersync.ldap.referral ranger.usersync.ldap.referral Follow
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10:02 AM
1 Kudo
Very good question here. Let me share some of my thoughts as I have installed ambari both from source and from Hortonworks Repos. Before I get started you should know that Hortonworks was a major contributor to Ambari Project, as such their documentation is very detailed for how to install Ambari and its components. In my opinion this is the preferred documentation. Hortonwork repos are THE public repos for ambari. Using them is much easier than building from source. The Ambari Project page at is just the project page. The documentation is specifically for ambari, and not necessarily for "hadoop" and does not include all the screen shots and deeper info you will find in the HortonWorks/Cloudera documentation for the same. Although the Project Page does not go into much detail, it does have the required artifacts, and enough information to setup nodes and get into the Cluster Install Wizard. For those organizations which are required to use private repos or to build their own, the Ambari Project page is very important.
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07:50 PM
OK. tested and successful
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