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15065 | 07-18-2016 03:42 PM |
03:26 PM
1 Kudo
See comment to answer above on how to get configs to local.
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08:06 PM
1 Kudo
@Dagmawi Mengistu Is "ambari-server.hostname" is actually your ambari server hostname ? Can you try changing it to "*" and then retest the same? something like this: hadoop.proxyuser.ec2-user.groups = *
hadoop.proxyuser.ec2-user.hosts = *
hadoop.proxyuser.admin.groups = *
hadoop.proxyuser.admin.groups = *
NOTE: If you are running ambari-server daemon under an account name of root then you should add hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups = *
hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts = * . Also your error indicates that it is not able to write inside the "/user/admin/hive/job/...." directory, which indicates that you have logged in to ambari hive view as "admin" user, so you must do the following: su -l hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/admin"
su -l hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown admin:hdfs /user/admin" .
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07:23 PM
@Dagmawi Mengistu Happy to help. If you don't need any more detail then feel free to accept the answer so we can close out the issue. Thanks!
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11:24 PM
In case if RDD is partitioned, does zipwithIndex produce the unique key??
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03:42 PM
Try this, but this version is for version 1.5 and up data.write.format('com.databricks.spark.csv').options(delimiter="\t", codec="").save('s3a://myBucket/myPath')
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02:25 PM
5 Kudos
Here is the solution to your problem @Dagmawi Mengistu There are two issues over here, ISSUE 1: If you check your logs, then after relation "f", you get the "java.lang.ClassCastException". Please find the updated steps below with explanation of how to resolve this error( Comments are marked with // prefix) - a = load '/pigsample/Salaryinfo.csv' USING PigStorage(','); b = load '/pigsample/Employeeinfo.csv' USING PigStorage(','); c = filter b by $4 =='Male'; // In relation "d", carefully observer that I have type cast the field at index 0 to int, you need to explicitly do type casting like this in order to avoid the "java.lang.ClassCastException". d = foreach c generate (int)$0 as id:int, $1 as firstname:chararray, $2 as lastname:chararray, $4 as gender:chararray, $6 as city:chararray , $7 as country:chararray, $8 as countrycode:chararray; // Similarly in relation "e", we have to again explicitly type cast the field iD to int. e = foreach a generate (int)$0 as iD:int, $1 as firstname:chararray, $2 as lastname:chararray, $3 as salary:double, ToDate($4, 'MM/dd/yyyy') as dateofhire, $5 as company:chararray; // Relation "f" works perfectly now, doesn't throw any exceptions f = join d by id, e by iD; ISSUE 2 - // In relation "g", you don't need to write f.d::firstname, this will throw org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException". You can directly reference the fields present in relation "f" of relation "d" like this - g = foreach f generate d::firstname as firstname; // Print output DUMG g; OUTPUT - (Jonathan) (Gary) (Roger) (Jeffrey) (Steve) (Lawrence) (Billy) (Joseph) (Aaron) (Steve) (Brian) (Robert) Hope this helps 🙂
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