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2043 | 11-02-2016 11:02 AM | |
3160 | 10-05-2016 01:58 PM | |
7781 | 09-07-2016 08:32 AM | |
8256 | 09-07-2016 08:27 AM | |
2145 | 08-23-2016 08:35 AM |
09:49 AM
1 Kudo
I didn't check any logs (other than the ones you already found). I view the configuration for that example in the Oozie app in Hue by going to edit it, and saw that it reference hive-config.xml (which caught my eye because as you noticed, the real copy is called hive-site.xml). So I searched for files with that name in the native file system and in Hadoop, and saw that those files were bundled in Hue and included a copy of the default Hive configuration that uses a Derby metastore: find / -name hive-config.xml 2>/dev/null
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -ls -R | grep hive-config.xml
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08:13 AM
1 Kudo
So I found the issue. The example has a Hive configuration hard-coded in it that uses Derby as the metastore. I'll get this fixed in the next release, but to work around it now you can overwrite it with the real Hive configuration as follows: sudo cp /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml /usr/lib/hue/apps/oozie/examples/managed/hive/hive-config.xml
sudo cp /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml /usr/lib/hue/apps/oozie/examples/unmanaged/hive/hive-config.xml
# And if you already installed the example in Hue...
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -rm /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/managed/hive/hive-config.xml
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/managed/hive/hive-config.xml
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -rm /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/unmanaged/hive/hive-config.xml
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/unmanaged/hive/hive-config.xml Thanks for the feedback!
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07:32 AM
Per the documentation, the password for all MySQL users including root, hive, hue and oozie is 'cloudera'. In addition to the snippet you posted from hive-site.xml, you should also see those credentials configured there: <property>
</property> Oozie's configuration is in /etc/oozie/conf, and it too appears to be correctly configure to talk to MySQL, but the log does indicate that it's trying to use Derby and failing. I'll need to look into why.
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02:06 PM
1 Kudo
So the correct way to specify the Solr URL would be "--solr http://quickstart.cloudera:8983/solr", but that is equivalent to what solrtctl should do if you don't specify anything in this case. If I stop the solr-server service and try the command I get the exact same error as you, so let's have a look at what errors you can find in /var/log/solr/solr.out or /var/log/solr/catalina*.log. Note that you'll need to run the 'service' commands with 'sudo'.
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01:48 PM
3 Kudos
Jeff, I'm going to try a few things and see if I can replicate the problem to suggest a solution, but while I'm doing that I suspect this might mean the Solr service is not running. Can you run 'service solr-server status' and see if it is? If you've launched Cloudera Manager then check in Cloudera Manger instead of using the command-line. If it's not running, check the logs in /var/log/solr/ to see if there are any errors you can post, or simply try restarting the service with 'service solr-server restart'.
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07:45 PM
I've notified the Impala team about this, so I'd suggest you watch for a response at the other posting of your question: For what it's worth, that URL is used to download the TPC-DS and TPC-H datasets, which you can get from, if you'd like to try to hack around this in the mean time.
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07:51 AM
1 Kudo
>> Does anyone know the cause of this failed connection or the proper method to obtain the above hostname or IP address? I would guess that the network translation between your host and VM is the cause of the failure to connect. Doing this correctly varies depending on which hypervisor you are using. Are you using VMWare, VirtualBox, or something else? If you imported the VirtualBox appliance, this port should be forwarded automatically from the host machine, so you can just use your host IP address unless something else was already listening on that port. If you are using VMWare, I would recommend you try configuring the VM to use a bridged interface, then reboot the VM and get the IP address for the eth0 interface in the VM by running 'ifconfig'.
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07:43 AM
Where are you seeing this URL? It's part of Cloudera's internal infrastructure and is not intended to be publicly accessible. What kind of testing are you looking to do? A portion of the TPC-DS dataset is often used for testing Impala, Hue includes an example datase for Impala, and the QuickStart VM also includes a table of median income by zipcode from the 2000 US Census - which you can install by running datasets/
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10:59 AM
>> I still think a CLI command or script is in order for the CDH5 framework. I think that's a good idea - I'll file a feature request for this if one doesn't exist already. We'll also keep a look out for any reports of similar problems and look what might cause / be able to prevent it. Thanks for the feedback!
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04:50 PM
The hashing algorithm has changed since then, but the general technique should work (and I thought it would migrate old hashes for existing passwords). I just tried this technique and it's working for me with newly generated hashes. This salt and hash should reset your 'admin' user's password to 'admin'. I would suggest you then immediately change it to something more secure since the port is open on a public network interface. Salt: 7135628360540806339 Hash: 3a4e5ecfdf1a023e1302b7bef253de568357a995382702958517bbf238591101
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