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04:56 PM
6 Kudos
@shivanand khobanna Are you defining those variables with %spark interpreter ? In that case, the default mode of %spark interpreter is 'Globally Shared' In Shared mode, single JVM process and single Interpreter Group serves all Notes. Hence you might see variables defined in one note available to all users and all notebooks. So the behavior you are seeing is by design. You can change your interpreter modes through interpreters page. But better use 'livy' interpreter which uses 'Per user scoped' mode by default on HDP installed zeppelin. That means that you will see different YARN APPs for each user who is trying to use %livy interpreter and hence different spark context for each user which disables the sharing of namespace variables defined by one user from the other user. Please checkout this article for more info on various zeppelin interpreter modes and what each of the modes means:
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06:54 PM
In addition to @Wynner's answer, if you'd like to keep using ExecuteScript, you can pass in arguments as user-defined properties (aka dynamic properties) or flow file attributes and use them in ExecuteScript. For examples on leveraging user-defined properties in ExecuteScript, check out Part 3 of my ExecuteScript Cookbook article series in HCC, it has examples in Jython.
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06:28 PM
In an upcoming release you'll be able to use Hive 1.1 processors, so in your case you'd want to keep what you have (Avro in HDFS) and use PutHive_1_1QL to issue a LOAD DATA or CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement so Hive can see your data.
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08:27 PM
4 Kudos
@shivanand khobanna - I think you accidentally asked the same question twice: Can you please close this one.
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