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09:06 PM
Unfortunately each table in HBase requires at least one region backing it. To resolve your issue you will have to merge the tables before loading into HBase. Hive is another component that would probably fit your use case bettter. There are no regions in Hive, rather the data is store in the file system, so lots of small tables are possible.
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04:01 PM
Thanks @Josh Elser. I took out the default part and created table. Now I am trying to import data into these table. I have .csv file with tab separated fields. I am getting issues in those columns where there are values with blank in it . for example, one of column which contains the validation logic has value like : (substring(:col(), 1, 2) != '02' and
substring(:col(), 3, 2) in ('29', '30') or
substring(:col(), 1, 2) in I am running this command to import these csv files into Table : ./ -d $'\t' -t POC.STATSTC_TYPE /export/home/KBM_HOU/pkumar/test_data.csv I am being able to import those rows which does not have this type of validation logic with blank space. Do we need to pass any other argument to ignore those blank spaces in the column values ?
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